./ MultiCS.r69 / srv-radegast.c
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROTO /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void *rdgd_connect_cli_thread(void *param); void rdgd_getclimsg(); uint rdgd_check_sendcw(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void rdgd_senddcw_cli(struct rdgd_client_data *cli) { unsigned char buf[CWS_NETMSGSIZE]; if (cli->ecm.status==STAT_DCW_SENT) { debugf(" +> cw send failed to client (%s), cw already sent\n", ip2string(cli->ip)); return; } if (cli->handle==INVALID_SOCKET) { debugf(" +> cw send failed to client (%s), client disconnected\n", ip2string(cli->ip)); return; } if (!cli->ecm.busy) { debugf(" +> cw send failed to client (%s), no ecm request\n", ip2string(cli->ip)); return; } ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.id); if (ecm) { cli->ecm.lastcaid = ecm->caid; cli->ecm.lastprov = ecm->provid; cli->ecm.lastsid = ecm->sid; cli->ecm.lastdecodetime = GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime; } if ( ecm && (ecm->dcwstatus==STAT_DCW_SUCCESS) ) { cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype = ecm->dcwsrctype; cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid = ecm->dcwsrcid; cli->ecm.laststatus=1; cli->ecmok++; cli->ecmoktime += GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime; // Send DCW buf[0] = 0x02; buf[1] = 0x12; buf[2] = 0x05; buf[3] = 0x10; memcpy( &buf[4], ecm->cw, 16 ); rdgd_message_send( cli->handle, buf, 0x14); debugf(" => cw to client (%s) ch %04x:%06x:%04x (%dms)\n", ip2string(cli->ip), ecm->caid,ecm->provid,ecm->sid, GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime); cli->lastdcwtime = GetTickCount(); } else { //if (ecm->data->dcwstatus==STAT_DCW_FAILED) cli->ecm.laststatus=0; cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype = DCW_SOURCE_NONE; cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid = 0; buf[0] = 0x02; buf[1] = 0x02; buf[2] = 0x04; buf[3] = 0x00; rdgd_message_send( cli->handle, buf, 4); debugf(" |> decode failed to client (%s) ch %04x:%06x:%04x (%dms)\n", ip2string(cli->ip), ecm->caid,ecm->provid,ecm->sid, GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime); } cli->ecm.busy=0; cli->ecm.status = STAT_DCW_SENT; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void rdgd_disconnect_cli(struct cardserver_data *cs,struct rdgd_client_data *cli) { if (cli) if (cli->handle>0) { //pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockrdgdcli); debugf(" radegast: client (%s) disconnected\n", ip2string(cli->ip)); close(cli->handle); // Remove struct rdgd_client_data *n = cs->rdgd.client; if (n) { if (n==cli) { cs->rdgd.client = n->next; free(cli); } else { while (n->next) { if (cli==n->next) { n->next = n->next->next; free(cli); break; } n = n->next; } } } //pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockrdgdcli); } } void *rdgd_connect_cli_thread(void *param) { int clientsock; struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockrdgdsrv); struct pollfd pfd[MAX_CSPORTS]; int pfdcount = 0; struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while(cs) { if (cs->rdgd.handle>0) { cs->rdgd.ipoll = pfdcount; pfd[pfdcount].fd = cs->rdgd.handle; pfd[pfdcount++].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; } else cs->rdgd.ipoll = -1; cs = cs->next; } int retval = poll(pfd, pfdcount, 3000); if (retval>0) { struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while(cs) { if ( (cs->rdgd.handle>0) && (cs->rdgd.ipoll>=0) && (cs->rdgd.handle==pfd[cs->rdgd.ipoll].fd) ) { if ( pfd[cs->rdgd.ipoll].revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI) ) { clientsock = accept(cs->rdgd.handle, (struct sockaddr*)&clientaddr, &socklen ); if (clientsock<0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) continue; else { debugf(" Radegast: Accept failed (errno=%d)\n",errno); usleep(1000); } } else { // ADD TO DB struct rdgd_client_data *cli = malloc( sizeof(struct rdgd_client_data) ); memset( cli, 0, sizeof(struct rdgd_client_data) ); cli->chkrecvtime = 0; cli->handle = clientsock; cli->ip = clientaddr.sin_addr.s_addr; SetSocketKeepalive(clientsock); pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockrdgdcli); cli->next = cs->rdgd.client; cs->rdgd.client = cli; debugf(" radegast: client (%s) connected\n", ip2string(cli->ip)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockrdgdcli); pipe_wakeup( srvsocks[1] ); } } } cs = cs->next; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockrdgdsrv); usleep(3000); } END_PROCESS = 1; } void rdgd_store_ecmclient(struct cardserver_data *cs, int ecmid, struct rdgd_client_data *cli) { //check for last ecm recv time uint32 ticks = GetTickCount(); cli->ecm.recvtime = ticks; cli->ecm.id = ecmid; cli->ecm.status = STAT_ECM_SENT; ecm_addip(ecmid, cli->ip); } int accept_ecm (struct cardserver_data *cs, uint16 caid, uint32 provid, uint16 sid) { // Check for caid, accept caid=0 if ( !accept_caid(cs,caid) ) return 0; // Check for provid, accept provid==0 if ( !accept_prov(cs,provid) ) return 0; // Check for Accepted sids if ( !accept_sid(cs,sid) ) return 0; return 1; } void rdgd_cli_recvmsg(struct rdgd_client_data *cli, struct cardserver_data *cs) { int len; unsigned char buf[300]; int i; if (cli->handle>0) { len = rdgd_check_message(cli->handle); if (len==0) { debugf(" radegast: client (%s) read failed %d\n", ip2string(cli->ip),len); rdgd_disconnect_cli(cs,cli); } else if (len==-1) { if (!cli->chkrecvtime) cli->chkrecvtime = GetTickCount(); else if ( (cli->chkrecvtime+300)<GetTickCount() ) { debugf(" radegast: client (%s) read failed %d\n", ip2string(cli->ip),len); rdgd_disconnect_cli(cs,cli); } } else if (len>0) { cli->chkrecvtime = 0; len = rdgd_message_receive(cli->handle, buf, 0); if (len==0) { debugf(" radegast: client (%s) read failed %d\n", ip2string(cli->ip),len); rdgd_disconnect_cli(cs,cli); } else if (len<0) { debugf(" radegast: client '%s' read failed %d(%d)\n", ip2string(cli->ip),len,errno); rdgd_disconnect_cli(cs,cli); } else if (len>0) switch ( buf[0] ) { case 0x01: // ECM cli->lastecmtime = GetTickCount(); cli->ecmnb++; cli->ecm.id = -1; // ECM DENIED if (cli->ecm.busy) { cli->ecmdenied++; rdgd_senddcw_cli(cli); break; } uint16 caid = 0; uint32 provid = 0; unsigned char ecmdata[300]; memset(ecmdata, 0, sizeof(ecmdata)); int ecmlen=0; int index = 2; while (index<len) { //entry = buf[index]; //len = buf[index+1]; switch (buf[index]) { case 2: // CAID (upper byte only, oldstyle) caid = buf[index+2]<<8; break; case 10: // CAID caid = (buf[index+2]<<8) | buf[index+3]; break; case 3: // ECM DATA ecmlen = buf[index+1]; memcpy( ecmdata, &buf[index+2], ecmlen); break; case 6: // PROVID (ASCII) for (i=0; i<buf[index+1]; i++) provid = (provid<<4) | hexvalue(buf[index+2+i]); //provid = hex2int(char *src); // 6 break; case 7: // KEYNR (ASCII), not needed break; case 8: // ECM PROCESS PID ?? don't know, not needed break; } index += buf[index+1]+2; } if (!accept_ecm(cs,caid,provid,0)) { rdgd_senddcw_cli(cli); break; } // ACCEPTED // Search for ECM int ecmid = search_ecmdata_dcw( ecmdata, ecmlen, 0); // dont get failed ecm request from cache if ( ecmid!=-1 ) { ECM_DATA *ecm=getecmbyid(ecmid); ecm->lastrecvtime = GetTickCount(); //TODO: Add another card for sending ecm rdgd_store_ecmclient(cs, ecmid, cli); debugf(" <- ecm from client (%s) ch %04x:%06x:%04x*\n", ip2string(cli->ip), caid, provid, 0); cli->ecm.busy=1; cli->ecm.hash = ecm->hash; } else { cs->ecmaccepted++; // Setup ECM Request for Server(s) ecmid = store_ecmdata(cs->id, ecmdata, ecmlen, 0, caid, provid); ECM_DATA *ecm=getecmbyid(ecmid); rdgd_store_ecmclient(cs, ecmid, cli); debugf(" <- ecm from client (%s) ch %04x:%06x:%04x\n", ip2string(cli->ip), caid, provid, 0); cli->ecm.busy=1; cli->ecm.hash = ecm->hash; if (cs->option.fallowcache && cfg.cache.peer) { pipe_send_cache_find(ecm, cs); ecm->waitcache = 1; ecm->dcwstatus = STAT_DCW_WAITCACHE; } else ecm->dcwstatus = STAT_DCW_WAIT; } ecm_check_time = rdgd_dcw_check_time = 0; break; default: buf[0] = 0x81; buf[1] = 0; rdgd_message_send(cli->handle,buf,2); //radegast_send(answer); //cs_log("unknown request %02X, len=%d", buf[0], buf[1]); } } } } // Check sending cw to clients uint rdgd_check_sendcw() { struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; uint restime = GetTickCount() + 10000; uint clitime = 0; while(cs) { if (cs->rdgd.handle>0) { struct rdgd_client_data *cli = cs->rdgd.client; uint ticks = GetTickCount(); while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle!=INVALID_SOCKET)&&(cli->ecm.busy) ) { clitime = ticks+11000; // Check for DCW ANSWER ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.id); if (ecm) { // Check for FAILED if (ecm->dcwstatus==STAT_DCW_FAILED) rdgd_senddcw_cli( cli ); // Check for SUCCESS else if (ecm->dcwstatus==STAT_DCW_SUCCESS) rdgd_senddcw_cli( cli ); // check for timeout else if ( (cli->ecm.recvtime+cs->option.dcw.timeout) < ticks ) rdgd_senddcw_cli( cli ); else clitime = cli->ecm.recvtime+cs->option.dcw.timeout; } else rdgd_senddcw_cli( cli ); // failed if (restime>clitime) restime = clitime; } cli = cli->next; } } cs = cs->next; } return (restime+1); }