./ MultiCS.r69 / httpserver.c
#define HTTP_GET 0 #define HTTP_POST 1 #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <poll.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include "common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "convert.h" #include "tools.h" #include "threads.h" #include "ecmdata.h" #ifdef CCCAM #include "msg-cccam.h" #endif #include "config.h" #include "sockets.h" #include "httpserver.h" #include "httpbuffer.c" #include "dyn_buffer.c" #include "main.h" #include "images.c" #include "country.c" #include "httpstyle.c" struct cs_client_data *getnewcamdclientbyid(uint32 id); struct cccamserver_data *getcccamserverbyid(uint32_t id); struct cc_client_data *getcccamclientbyid(uint32_t id); struct cc_client_data *getcccamclientbyname(struct cccamserver_data *cccam, char *name); #ifdef MGCAMD_SRV struct mgcamdserver_data *getmgcamdserverbyid(uint32_t id); struct mg_client_data *getmgcamdclientbyid(uint32_t id); struct mg_client_data *getmgcamdclientbyname(struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd, char *name); void mg_disconnect_cli(struct mg_client_data *cli); #endif #define LIST_ACTIVE 0 #define LIST_CONNECTED 1 #define LIST_DISCONNECTED 2 #define LIST_ALL 3 #define ACTION_PAGE 0 #define ACTION_DIV 1 #define ACTION_ROW 2 #define ACTION_XML 3 #define ACTION_DISABLE 4 #define ACTION_ENABLE 5 #define ACTION_STATUS 6 #define ACTION_DEBUG 7 char HTTP_UPDATE_DIV[] = "\nvar autorefresh=%d;\nvar tautorefresh;\nfunction setautorefresh(t)\n{\n clearTimeout(tautorefresh);\n autorefresh = t;\n if (t>0) tautorefresh = setTimeout('updateDiv()',autorefresh);\n}\nfunction updateDiv()\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try {\n httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Mozilla, Safari, etc\n }\n catch(trymicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(oldermicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(failed) {\n httpRequest = false;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!httpRequest) {\n alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.');\n return false;\n }\n // Action http_request\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {\n if(httpRequest.status == 200) {\n requestError=0;\n document.getElementById('mainDiv').innerHTML = httpRequest.responseText;\n }\n tautorefresh = setTimeout('updateDiv()',autorefresh);\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', '%s',true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"; char HTTP_UPDATE_ROW[] = "\nvar idx = 0;\nvar tupdateRow;\n\nfunction setupdateRow(id)\n{\n clearTimeout(tupdateRow);\n idx = id;\n if (id>0) tupdateRow = setTimeout('updateRow()',1000);\n}\n\nvar lastidx = 0;\nvar requestError = 0;\nfunction updateRow()\n{\n if (lastidx!=idx) {\n requestError = 0;\n lastidx = idx;\n }\n if ( !requestError && (idx>0) ) {\n var httpRequest;\n try {\n httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Mozilla, Safari, etc\n }\n catch(trymicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(oldermicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(failed) {\n httpRequest = false;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!httpRequest) {\n alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.');\n return false;\n }\n var savedidx = idx;\n // Action http_request\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {\n if (httpRequest.status == 200) {\n requestError=0;\n xmlupdateRow( httpRequest.responseXML, 'Row'+savedidx );\n }\n else {\n requestError++;\n }\n tupdateRow = setTimeout('updateRow()',1000);\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', %s, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n requestError++;\n }\n}\n"; int getcountryimage( char *code ) { int i; for(i=0; i<MAX_COUNTRY_IMAGES; i++) { if ( !strcmp(country_images[i].code, code) ) return i; } return -1; } void getcountryhtml( char *code, char *html ) { int i; for(i=0; i<MAX_COUNTRY_IMAGES; i++) { if ( !strcmp(country_images[i].code, code) ) { sprintf(html,"<img src='/flag%s.gif'>", code); return; } } sprintf(html, "[%s]", code); } char *getcountrybyip(uint32 ip) { struct ip2country_data *data= cfg.ip2country; ip = (ip>>24&0xFF)|(ip>>8&0xFF00)|(ip<<8&0xFF0000)|(ip<<24&0xFF000000); // from little endian -> big endian while (data) { if ( (ip>=data->ipstart)&&(ip<=data->ipend) ) return data->code; data = data->next; } return NULL; } char *getcountryname(char *code) { int i; for(i=0; i<MAX_COUNTRY_IMAGES; i++) { if ( !strcmp(country_images[i].code, code) ) return country_images[i].name; } return NULL; } struct cachepeer_data *getpeerbyid(int id); struct cs_server_data *getsrvbyid(uint32 id); void cc_disconnect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv); void cc_disconnect_cli(struct cc_client_data *cli); char *src2string(int srctype, int srcid, char *ret); typedef struct { char name[256]; char value[512]; } http_get; typedef struct { struct dyn_buffer dbf; int type;//= (HTTP_GET/HTTP_POST) char path[512]; char file[512]; int http_version;//(0:1.0,1:1.1) char Host[100];//(localhost:9999) int Connection;//(1:keep-alive, 0:close); http_get getlist[20]; int getcount; http_get postlist[20]; int postcount; http_get headers[20]; int hdrcount; } http_request; void buf2str( char *dest, char *start, char *end) { while (*start==' ') start++; while (start<=end) { *dest=*start; start++; dest++; } *dest='\0'; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *isset_get(http_request *req, char *name) { int i; char *n,*v; for(i=0; i<req->getcount; i++) { n = req->getlist[i].name; v = req->getlist[i].value; if (!strcmp(name, n)) { //printf("[$_GET] Name: '%s' Value :'%s'\n", n,v); return v; } } return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *isset_header(http_request *req, char *name) { int i; char *n,*v; //printf("Searching '%s'\n", name); for(i=0; i<req->hdrcount; i++) { //printf("[HEADER] Name: '%s' Value :'%s'\n", req->headers[i].name, req->headers[i].value); n = req->headers[i].name; v = req->headers[i].value; if (!strcmp(name, n)) return v; } return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void explode_get(http_request *req, char *get) // Get Variables { char *end,*a; int i; i=0; //debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0),"explode_get()\n"); while ( (end=strchr(get, '&')) ) { *end = '\0'; if (i>8) break; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ if ( (a=strchr(get, '=')) ) { *a='\0'; strncpy(req->getlist[i].name,get,255); strncpy(req->getlist[i].value,a+1,255); //printf("$_GET['%s'] = '%s'\n",req->getlist[i].name,req->getlist[i].value); i++; } get=end+1; } if ( (a=strchr(get, '=')) ) { *a='\0'; strncpy(req->getlist[i].name,get,255); strncpy(req->getlist[i].value,a+1,255); //printf("$_GET['%s'] = '%s'\n",req->getlist[i].name,req->getlist[i].value); i++; } req->getcount=i; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void explode_post(http_request *req, char *post) { char *end,*a; int i; i=0; while ( (end=strchr(post, '&')) ) { *end = '\0'; if ( (a=strchr(post, '=')) ) { *a='\0'; strncpy(req->postlist[i].name,post,255); strncpy(req->postlist[i].value,a+1,255); //printf("$_POST['%s'] = '%s'\n",req->postlist[i].name,req->postlist[i].value); i++; } post=end+1; } if ( (a=strchr(post, '=')) ) { *a='\0'; strncpy(req->postlist[i].name,post,255); strncpy(req->postlist[i].value,a+1,255); i++; } req->postcount=i; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int extractreq(http_request *req, char *buffer, int len ) { char *path_start, *path_end; char *rnrn, *slash; //printf("buffer size %d\n",len); //#Check Header if (!(rnrn=strstr( buffer, "\r\n\r\n"))) return -1; int reqsize = (rnrn-buffer)+4; //#Get Path path_start = buffer+4; while (*path_start==' ') path_start++; path_end=path_start; while (*path_end!=' ') path_end++; buf2str( req->path, path_start, path_end-1); //debugf(0, " HTTP PATH = '%s'\n", req->path); //#extract filename, and path slash = path_start = (char*)&req->path; while (*path_start) { if (*path_start=='/') slash=path_start; else if (*path_start=='?') { explode_get(req,path_start+1); *path_start='\0'; break; } path_start++; } slash++; strncpy( req->file, slash, 100); //#Extract headers path_start = buffer+4; while ( (*path_start!='\r')&&(*path_start!='\n') ) path_start++; if (*path_start=='\r') path_start++; if (*path_start=='\n') path_start++; while ( path_start<rnrn ) { // start = path_start //get end of line path_end = path_start; slash = NULL; while ( (*path_end!='\r')&&(*path_end!='\n')&&(*path_end!=0) ) { if (*path_end==':') if (!slash) slash = path_end; path_end++; } if (path_end==path_start) break; // end char tmp = *path_end; *path_end = 0; if (slash) { // Extract header name: value buf2str( req->headers[req->hdrcount].name , path_start, slash-1); buf2str( req->headers[req->hdrcount].value, slash+1, path_end-1); //printf(">> %s\n", path_start); //printf("[HEADER] Name: '%s' Value :'%s'\n", req->headers[req->hdrcount].name, req->headers[req->hdrcount].value); //if ( !strcmp(req->headers[req->hdrcount].name,"Authorization") ) req->hdrcount++; } *path_end = tmp; path_start = path_end; while ( (*path_start=='\r')||(*path_start=='\n') ) path_start++; } if ( !memcmp(buffer,"GET ",4) ) { //printf("requesttype = GET\n"); req->type = HTTP_GET; } else if ( !memcmp(buffer,"POST",4) ) { //printf("requesttype = POST\n"); req->type = HTTP_POST; int i; for(i=0; i<req->hdrcount; i++) { if ( !strcmp(req->headers[i].name,"Content-Length") ) { reqsize += atoi(req->headers[i].value); //printf("req size %d\n", reqsize); return reqsize; } } } return 0; } int parse_http_request(int sock, http_request *req ) { unsigned char buffer[2048]; // HTTP Header cant be greater than 1k int size; int totalsize = 0; memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); memset(req,0, sizeof(http_request)); size = recv( sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (size<10) return 0; totalsize += size; //printf("** Receiving %d bytes\n%s\n",size,buffer ); if ( !memcmp(buffer,"GET ",4) || !memcmp(buffer,"POST",4) ) { buffer[size] = '\0'; // Get Header while ( !strstr((char*)buffer, "\r\n\r\n") ) { struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = sock; pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; int retval = poll(&pfd, 1, 5000); if ( retval>0 ) { if ( pfd.revents & (POLLHUP|POLLNVAL) ) return 0; // Disconnect else if ( pfd.revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI) ) { int len = recv(sock, (buffer+size), sizeof(buffer)-size, MSG_NOSIGNAL); //printf("** Receiving %d bytes\n",len ); if (len<=0) return 0; size+=len; buffer[size]=0; totalsize += len; } } else if (retval==0) break; else return 0; } // Received Header //debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Received Header >>>\n%s\n<<<\n", buffer); int ret = extractreq(req,(char*)buffer,size); if (ret==-1) return 0; //Get Data if (req->type==HTTP_POST) { while (ret>totalsize) { //printf("Waiting....\n"); struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = sock; pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; int retval = poll(&pfd, 1, 5000); if ( retval>0 ) { if ( pfd.revents & (POLLHUP|POLLNVAL) ) return 0; // Disconnect else if ( pfd.revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI) ) { if (size>=sizeof(buffer)) { dynbuf_write( &req->dbf, buffer, size); size = 0; } int len = recv(sock, (buffer+size), sizeof(buffer)-size, MSG_NOSIGNAL); //printf("** Receiving %d bytes\n",len ); if (len<=0) return 0; size+=len; totalsize += len; } } else return 0; } if (size) dynbuf_write( &req->dbf, buffer, size); } } else return 0; return 1; } /// XXX: not thread safe char channelname[256]; char *getchname(uint16 caid, uint32 prov, uint16 sid ) { struct chninfo_data *chn= cfg.chninfo; while (chn) { if ( (chn->caid==caid)&&(chn->prov==prov)&&(chn->sid==sid) ) return chn->name; chn = chn->next; } sprintf(channelname, "%04X:%06X:%04X", caid, prov, sid ); return channelname; } int total_profiles() { int count=0; struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while(cs) { count++; cs = cs->next; } return count; } int total_servers() { int nb=0; struct cs_server_data *srv=cfg.server; while (srv) { nb++; srv=srv->next; } return nb; } int connected_servers() { int nb=0; struct cs_server_data *srv=cfg.server; while (srv) { if ( !IS_DISABLED(srv->flags)&&(srv->handle>0) ) nb++; srv=srv->next; } return nb; } int totalcachepeers() { struct cachepeer_data *peer; int count=0; peer = cfg.cache.peer; while (peer) { count++; peer = peer->next; } return count; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; char http_replyok[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"; char http_html[] = "<HTML>\n"; char http_html_[] = "</HTML>\n"; char http_head[] = "<HEAD>\n"; char http_head_[] = "</HEAD>\n"; char http_body[] = "<BODY>\n"; char http_body_[] = "</BODY>\n"; char http_title[] = "<title>MultiCS - %s</title>\n"; char http_link[] = "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"/favicon.png\">\n"; char http_style[] = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"; #define PAGE_HOME 1 #define PAGE_SERVERS 2 #define PAGE_CACHE 3 #define PAGE_PROFILES 4 #define PAGE_NEWCAMD 5 #define PAGE_CCCAM 6 #define PAGE_FREECCCAM 7 #define PAGE_MGCAMD 8 #define PAGE_EDITOR 9 #define PAGE_RESTART 10 void tcp_write_menu(struct tcp_buffer_data *tcpbuf, int sock, int selected) { char *cNormal = "<li><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>"; char *cSelected = "<li><a class=selected href='%s'>%s</a></li>"; char *cDisabled = "<li><a class=disabled href='%s'>%s</a></li>"; char *class; char buf[512]; tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "<div class=menu><ul>" ); // Home if (selected==PAGE_HOME) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/", "Home"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); // Servers if (cfg.server!=NULL) { if (selected==PAGE_SERVERS) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; } else class = cDisabled; sprintf( buf, class, "/servers", "Servers"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); // Cache if (cfg.cache.handle>=0) { if (selected==PAGE_CACHE) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; } else class = cDisabled; sprintf( buf, class, "/cache", "Cache"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); // Profiles if (cfg.cardserver!=NULL) { if (selected==PAGE_PROFILES) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; } else class = cDisabled; sprintf( buf, class, "/profiles", "Profiles"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); // Newcamd if (cfg.cardserver!=NULL) { if (selected==PAGE_NEWCAMD) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; } else class = cDisabled; sprintf( buf, class, "/newcamd", "Newcamd"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); #ifdef CCCAM_SRV // CCcam if (cfg.cccam.server!=NULL) { if (selected==PAGE_CCCAM) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/cccam", "CCcam"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } #endif #ifdef FREECCCAM_SRV // FreeCCcam if (cfg.freecccam.server.handle>0) { if (selected==PAGE_FREECCCAM) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/freecccam", "FreeCCcam"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } #endif #ifdef MGCAMD_SRV if (cfg.mgcamd.server!=NULL) { if (selected==PAGE_MGCAMD) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/mgcamd", "MgCamd"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } #endif if (!cfg.http.noeditor) { if (selected==PAGE_EDITOR) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/editor", "Editor"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } if (!cfg.http.norestart) { if (selected==PAGE_RESTART) class = cSelected; else class = cNormal; sprintf( buf, class, "/restart", "Restart"); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } char tt[] = "</ul><span style='float:right'>Multi CardServer r"REVISION_STR"</span></div>\n"; tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, tt); // if ( (selected!=PAGE_RESTART)&&(selected!=PAGE_EDITOR) ) { tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "<div align=right>Autorefresh <select onchange='setautorefresh(this.value);'>"); if (cfg.http.autorefresh==0) tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "<option value=0 selected>OFF</option>"); else tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "<option value=0>OFF</option>"); int i; for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { if ( cfg.http.autorefresh==i ) sprintf( buf, "<option value=%d selected>%ds</option>", i*1000, i); else sprintf( buf, "<option value=%d>%ds</option>", i*1000, i); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } if ( cfg.http.autorefresh>10 ) { sprintf( buf, "<option value=%d selected>%ds</option>", cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, cfg.http.autorefresh); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, buf); } tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "</select></div>\n"); } } void tcp_writeecmdata(struct tcp_buffer_data *tcpbuf, int sock, int ecmok, int ecmnb) { char http_buf[2048]; if (ecmnb) { int n; if (ecmnb>9999999) n = (ecmok*10)/(ecmnb/10); else n = (ecmok*100)/ecmnb; sprintf( http_buf, "<td>%d<span style=\"float: right;\">%d%%</span></td>", ecmok, n ); } else sprintf( http_buf, "<td><span style=\"float: right;\">0%%</span></td>" ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } void tcp_writeecmdata2(struct tcp_buffer_data *tcpbuf, int sock, int ecmok, int ecmnb) { char http_buf[2048]; if (ecmnb) { int n; if (ecmnb>9999999) n = (ecmok*10)/(ecmnb/10); else n = (ecmok*100)/ecmnb; sprintf( http_buf, "<td>%d / %d<span style=\"float: right;\">%d%%</span></td>", ecmok, ecmnb, n ); } else sprintf( http_buf, "<td><span style=\"float: right;\">0%%</span></td>" ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } void getstatcell(int ecmok, int ecmnb, char *dest) { if (ecmnb) { int n; if (ecmnb>9999999) n = (ecmok*10)/(ecmnb/10); else n = (ecmok*100)/ecmnb; sprintf( dest, "%d<span style=\"float: right;\">%d%%</span>", ecmok, n ); } else sprintf( dest, "<span style=\"float: right;\">0%%</span>" ); } void getstatcell2(int ecmok, int ecmnb, char *dest) { if (ecmnb) { int n; if (ecmnb>9999999) n = (ecmok*10)/(ecmnb/10); else n = (ecmok*100)/ecmnb; sprintf( dest, "%d / %d<span style=\"float: right;\">%d%%</span>", ecmok, ecmnb, n ); } else sprintf( dest, "<span style=\"float: right;\">0%%</span>" ); } #include <sys/stat.h> void http_send_file(int sock, http_request *req, char *type, char *fname) { struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); struct stat fstat; if ( stat( fname, &fstat)<0 ) { // Not found } else { FILE *fd = fopen( fname, "r"); if (fd==NULL) { // ERROR } else { char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", type, (int)fstat.st_size); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, buf, strlen(buf) ); while (!feof(fd)) { int result = fread (buf,1, sizeof(buf),fd); if (result>0) tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, (char*)buf, result ); } fclose(fd); } } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_answer(int sock, http_request *req, char *type, char *buf, int size) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); sprintf( http_buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", type, size); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, (char*)buf, size ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_image(int sock, http_request *req, unsigned char *buf, int size, char *type) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); sprintf( http_buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nCache-Control: private, max-age=86400\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: image/%s\r\n\r\n", size, type); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, (char*)buf, size ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_xml(int sock, http_request *req, char *buf, int size) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); sprintf( http_buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n", size); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, (char*)buf, size ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_ok(int sock) { char http_buf[100]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); sprintf( http_buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_text(int sock, char *buf) { int size = strlen(buf); struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); //char http_buf[100]; //sprintf( http_buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n",size); //tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, (char*)buf, size ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_ecmstatus(struct tcp_buffer_data *tcpbuf, int sock, ECM_DATA *ecm) { char http_buf[2048]; tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><th>Current Ecm Request</th></tr>\n"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Status Msg if (ecm->statusmsg) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>%s</td></tr>", ecm->statusmsg); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // Channel name sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Channel %s</td></tr>\n", getchname(ecm->caid, ecm->provid, ecm->sid) ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // ECM sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ECM(%d): ", ecm->ecmlen); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->ecm, http_buf, ecm->ecmlen ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); // Last DCW #ifdef CHECK_NEXTDCW if ( (ecm->lastdecode.status>0)&&(ecm->lastdecode.counter>0) ) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Last DCW: "); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->lastdecode.dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>\n"); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total wrong DCW = %d</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.error); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (ecm->lastdecode.counter>2) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total Consecutif DCW = %d</td></tr>\n<tr><td>ECM Interval = %ds</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.counter, ecm->lastdecode.dcwchangetime/1000); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } #endif // Servers if (ecm->server[0].srvid) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td><table class='infotable'><tbody><tr><th width='30px'>ID</th><th width='250px'>Server</th><th width='50px'>Status</th><th width='70px'>Start time</th><th width='70px'>End time</th><th width='90px'>Elapsed time</th><th>DCW</th></tr></tbody>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { if (!ecm->server[i].srvid) break; char* str_srvstatus[] = { "WAIT", "OK", "NOK", "BUSY" }; struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(ecm->server[i].srvid); if (srv) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s:%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%dms</td>", i+1, srv->host->name, srv->port, str_srvstatus[ecm->server[i].flag], ecm->server[i].sendtime - ecm->recvtime ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Recv Time if (ecm->server[i].statustime>ecm->server[i].sendtime) sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%dms</td><td>%dms</td>", ecm->server[i].statustime - ecm->recvtime, ecm->server[i].statustime-ecm->server[i].sendtime ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td><td>--</td>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (ecm->server[i].flag==ECM_SRV_REPLY_GOOD) { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->server[i].dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table></td></tr>\n" ); } // End of table tcp_writestr(tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n"); } void flagdebugvalue( char *str ) { uint32_t i,j,k; i = (flagdebug>>24); j = (flagdebug>>16)&0xff; k = flagdebug&0xffff; strcpy( str, "UNKNOWN"); switch (i) { case DBG_ALL: strcpy( str, "ALL"); break; case DBG_NEWCAMD: if (!j) strcpy( str, "PROFILES"); else { struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid(j); if (cs) { if (!k) sprintf( str, "[%s]", cs->name); else { struct cs_client_data *cli = getnewcamdclientbyid(k); if (cli) sprintf( str, "[%s] Newcamd Client '%s'", cs->name, cli->user); else sprintf( str, "[%s] Unknown Newcamd Client ID=%d", cs->name, k); } } else sprintf( str, "Unknown Profile ID=%d", j); } break; case DBG_CCCAM: if (!j) strcpy( str, "CCCAM"); else { struct cccamserver_data *cc = getcccamserverbyid(j); if (cc) { if (!k) sprintf( str, "CCcam%d [%d]", cc->id, cc->port); else { struct cc_client_data *cli = getcccamclientbyid(k); if (cli) sprintf( str, "CCcam%d - Client '%s'", cc->id, cli->user); else sprintf( str, "CCcam%d - Unknown Client ID=%d", cc->id, k); } } else sprintf( str, "Unknown CCcam Server ID=%d", j); } break; case DBG_SERVER: if (!k) strcpy( str, "SERVERS"); else { struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(k); if (srv) sprintf( str, "Server (%s:%d)", srv->host->name, srv->port); else sprintf( str, "Unknown Server ID=%d", k); } break; case DBG_MGCAMD: if (!k) strcpy( str, "MGCAMD"); else { struct mg_client_data *cli = getmgcamdclientbyid(k); if (cli) sprintf( str, "Mgcamd Client (%s)", cli->user); else sprintf( str, "Unknown Mgcamd Client ID=%d", k); } break; } } void http_send_index(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) { get_action = 3; char *str_value = isset_get( req, "value"); if (str_value) { if (!strcmp(str_value,"ALL")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_ALL, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"NEWCAMD")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_NEWCAMD, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"CCCAM")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_CCCAM, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"CACHE")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_CACHE, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"MGCAMD")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_MGCAMD, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"SERVER")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_SERVER, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"CONFIG")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_CONFIG, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(str_value,"HTTP")) flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_HTTP, 0, 0); else return; http_send_ok(sock); } return; } else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Home"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD DIV char url[256]; sprintf( url, "/?action=div"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_HOME); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } unsigned int d= GetTickCount()/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"Uptime: %02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); /* sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Total Profiles: %d", cfg.totalprofiles ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Total Servers: %d", cfg.totalservers ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Total Cache Peers: %d", cfg.cache.totalpeers ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Total CCcam Servers: %d", cfg.cccam.totalservers ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); */ tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<br><br>\n<fieldset><legend> debug: <select onchange=\"imgrequest('/?action=debug&value='+this.value);\" style='width:250px;'>"); int sel; if ( (flagdebug&0xffffff)!=0 ) { char str[255]; flagdebugvalue( str ); sprintf( http_buf, "<option>%s</option>",str); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf); sel = 0x10; } else sel = (flagdebug>>24); if (sel==DBG_ALL) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='ALL' selected>ALL</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='ALL'>ALL</option>"); if (sel==DBG_SERVER) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='SERVER' selected>SERVERS</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='SERVER'>SERVERS</option>"); if (sel==DBG_NEWCAMD) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='NEWCAMD' selected>PROFILES</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='NEWCAMD'>PROFILES</option>"); if (sel==DBG_CCCAM) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='CCCAM' selected>CCCAM</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='CCCAM'>CCCAM</option>"); if (sel==DBG_MGCAMD) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='MGCAMD' selected>MGCAMD</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='MGCAMD'>MGCAMD</option>"); if (sel==DBG_CACHE) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='CACHE' selected>CACHE</option>"); else tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<option value='CACHE'>CACHE</option>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select></legend>\n"); sprintf( http_buf, "<pre style=\"font-size:10; color:#004455;\">"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i=idbgline; do { sprintf( http_buf, "%s", dbgline[i] ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); i++; if (i>=MAX_DBGLINES) i=0; } while (i!=idbgline); sprintf( http_buf, "</pre></fieldset>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<br><center><a href='http://www.infosat.org'>Infosat Upload Center</a> | <a href='http://multics.info'>MultiCS Forum</a></center></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_restart(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Restarting"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_RESTART); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\"><!--\nsetTimeout(\"location.href = '/';\",5000);\n--></script>\n<h3>Restarting MultiCS<br>Plesase Wait...</h3>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); prg.restart = 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SERVERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *srvtypename(struct cs_server_data *srv) { static char newcamd[] = "Newcamd"; static char cccam[] = "CCcam"; static char radegast[] = "Radegast"; if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) return newcamd; if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) return cccam; if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) return radegast; return NULL; } int srv_cardcount(struct cs_server_data *srv, int uphops) { int count=0; struct cs_card_data *card = srv->card; while (card) { if ( (uphops==-1) #ifdef CCCAM_CLI || (card->uphops==uphops) #endif ) count++; card = card->next; } return count; } char *xmlescape( char *str ) { // " " // ' ' // < < // > > // & & char exml[5000]; char *src = str; char *dest = exml; while (*src) { switch (*src) { case '&': memcpy(dest,"&", 5); dest +=5; break; case '<': memcpy(dest,"<", 4); dest +=4; break; case '>': memcpy(dest,">", 4); dest +=4; break; case '"': memcpy(dest,""", 6); dest +=6; break; case '\'': memcpy(dest,"'", 6); dest +=6; break; default: *dest = *src; dest++; } src++; } *dest = 0; strcpy( str, exml); return str; } char *providerID( unsigned short caid, unsigned int provid ) { unsigned int caprovid = (caid<<16) | provid; struct providers_data *prov = cfg.providers; while (prov) { if (prov->caprovid==caprovid) return prov->name; prov = prov->next; } return NULL; } void getservercells(struct cs_server_data *srv, char cell[8][2048] ) { char temp[2048]; unsigned int ticks = GetTickCount(); uint d; int i; memset(cell, 0, 8*2048); // CELL0 uint32 uptime; if (srv->handle>0) uptime = (ticks-srv->connected) + srv->uptime; else uptime = srv->uptime; d = uptime / (ticks/100); uptime /= 1000; sprintf( cell[0],"<span title='%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d'>%d%%</span>",uptime/(3600*24),(uptime/3600)%24,(uptime/60)%60,uptime%60 ,d); // CELL1 sprintf( cell[1],"<a href=\"/server?id=%d\">%s:%d</a><br>", srv->id,srv->host->name,srv->port); if (!srv->host->ip && srv->host->clip) sprintf( temp," (%s)",(char*)ip2string(srv->host->ip) ); else { char *p = getcountrybyip(srv->host->ip); if (p) sprintf( temp,"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(srv->host->ip) ); else sprintf( temp,"%s",(char*)ip2string(srv->host->ip) ); } strcat( cell[1], temp ); // CELL2 if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) { if (srv->progname) strcpy( cell[2], srv->progname); else sprintf( cell[2],"Newcamd"); } #ifdef CCCAM_CLI else if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) { if (srv->handle>0) sprintf( cell[2],"CCcam %s<br>%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", srv->version, srv->nodeid[0],srv->nodeid[1],srv->nodeid[2],srv->nodeid[3],srv->nodeid[4],srv->nodeid[5],srv->nodeid[6],srv->nodeid[7]); else sprintf( cell[2],"CCcam"); //if (srv->progname) sprintf( cell[2],"<td>CCcam(%s) %s", srv->progname, srv->version); else sprintf( cell[2],"<td>CCcam %s", srv->version); } #endif #ifdef RADEGAST_CLI else if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) { sprintf( cell[2],"Radegast"); } #endif #ifdef CLONE_CLI else if (srv->type==TYPE_CLONE) { sprintf( cell[2],"Clone"); } #endif else { // Unknown sprintf( cell[2],"Unknown"); } // CELL3 if (srv->handle>0) { d = (ticks-srv->connected)/1000; sprintf( cell[3],"%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); if (srv->busy) sprintf( cell[7],"busy"); else sprintf( cell[7],"online"); } else { sprintf( cell[7],"offline"); if (srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE) sprintf( cell[3],"Removed"); else if (srv->flags&FLAG_EXPIRED) sprintf( cell[3],"Expired"); else if (srv->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) sprintf( cell[3],"Disabled"); else sprintf( cell[3],"offline"); } // CELL4 if (srv->ecmnb) sprintf( cell[4],"%d / %d<span style=\"float: right;\">%d%%</span>",srv->ecmok ,srv->ecmnb, (srv->ecmok*100)/srv->ecmnb); else sprintf( cell[4],"<span style=\"float: right;\">0%%</span>"); // CELL5 if (srv->ecmok) sprintf( cell[5],"%d ms",(srv->ecmoktime/srv->ecmok) ); else sprintf( cell[5],"-- ms"); // CELL6 strcpy( cell[6], " "); // default if (srv->handle>0) { if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) sprintf( temp,"<b>Total Cards = %d</b> ( Hop1 = %d, Hop2 = %d )<font style=\"font-size: 9;\">", srv_cardcount(srv,-1), srv_cardcount(srv,1), srv_cardcount(srv,2) ); else sprintf( temp,"<b>Total Cards = %d</b><font style=\"font-size: 9;\">", srv_cardcount(srv,-1) ); strcpy( cell[6], temp ); int icard = 0; struct cs_card_data *card = srv->card; while (card) { if (card->uphops<=1) { if (icard>3) { strcat( cell[6], "<br> ..." ); break; } char *provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[0]); if (provname) sprintf( temp,"<br><b>%04x:</b> %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>",card->caid,card->prov[0], provname); else sprintf( temp,"<br><b>%04x:</b> %x",card->caid,card->prov[0]); strcat( cell[6], temp ); for(i=1; i<card->nbprov; i++) { char *provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[i]); if (provname) sprintf( temp,", %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>", card->prov[i], provname); else sprintf( temp,", %x", card->prov[i]); if ( (strlen(cell[6])+strlen(temp))<sizeof(cell[6]) ) strcat( cell[6], temp ); } icard++; } card = card->next; } strcat( cell[6],"</font>\0"); } else { if (srv->statmsg) { if (srv->uptime&&srv->connected) { d = (ticks-srv->connected)/1000; sprintf( temp,"%s<br>Last Seen %02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", srv->statmsg, d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); } else sprintf( temp,"%s",srv->statmsg); strcpy( cell[6], temp ); } } strcat( cell[6], "<span style='float:right;'>"); if ( !(srv->flags&(FLAG_REMOVE|FLAG_EXPIRED)) ) { if (srv->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( temp," <img title='Enable' src='enable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/server?id=%d&action=enable',this);\">",srv->id); strcat( cell[6], temp ); } else { sprintf( temp," <img title='disable' src='disable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/server?id=%d&action=disable',this);\">",srv->id); strcat( cell[6], temp ); } } sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/server?id=%d&action=debug',this);\">",srv->id); strcat( cell[6], temp ); strcat( cell[6], "</span>"); } void alltotal_servers( int *all, int *cccam, int *newcamd, int *radegast ) { *all = 0; *cccam = 0; *newcamd = 0; *radegast = 0; struct cs_server_data *srv=cfg.server; while (srv) { (*all)++; if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) (*cccam)++; else if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) (*newcamd)++; else if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) (*radegast)++; srv=srv->next; } } void allconnected_servers( int *all, int *cccam, int *newcamd, int *radegast ) { *all = 0; *cccam = 0; *newcamd = 0; *radegast = 0; struct cs_server_data *srv=cfg.server; while (srv) { if ( !IS_DISABLED(srv->flags)&&(srv->handle>0) ) { (*all)++; if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) (*cccam)++; else if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) (*newcamd)++; else if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) (*radegast)++; } srv=srv->next; } } #ifdef RADEGAST_CLI void rdgd_disconnect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv); #endif void http_send_servers(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[5000]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char cell[8][2048]; struct cs_server_data *srv; int i; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // char *str_type = isset_get( req, "type"); int get_type = 0; if (str_type) { if (!strcmp(str_type,"cccam")) get_type = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_type,"newcamd")) get_type = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_type,"radegast")) get_type = 3; else str_type = NULL; } if (!str_type) str_type = "all"; // char *str_list = isset_get( req, "list"); int get_list = LIST_ALL; if (str_list) { if (!strcmp(str_list,"connected")) get_list = LIST_CONNECTED; else if (!strcmp(str_list,"disconnected")) get_list = LIST_DISCONNECTED; else str_list = NULL; } if (!str_list) str_list = "all"; // char *id = isset_get( req, "id"); // Get Server ID if (id) { i = atoi(id); //look for server srv = cfg.server; while (srv) { if (!(srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE)) { if (srv->id==(uint32)i) break; } srv = srv->next; } if (!srv) return; char *action = isset_get( req, "action"); if (action) { if (!strcmp(action,"disable")) { srv->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) cs_disconnect_srv(srv); else if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) cc_disconnect_srv(srv); #ifdef RADEGAST_CLI else if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) rdgd_disconnect_srv(srv); #endif } else if (!strcmp(action,"enable")) { srv->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; srv->host->checkiptime = 0; } } // Send XML CELLS getservercells(srv,cell); for(i=0; i<8; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<server>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3_c>%s</c3_c>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6>\n</server>\n",cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[7],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Servers"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n" ); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/servers?id='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); /////"\nvar idx = 0;\nvar lastidx = 0;\nvar requestError = 0;\nfunction updateRow()\n{\n if (lastidx!=idx) {\n requestError = 0;\n lastidx = idx;\n }\n if ( !requestError && (idx>0) ) {\n var httpRequest;\n try {\n httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Mozilla, Safari, etc\n }\n catch(trymicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(oldermicrosoft) {\n try {\n httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n }\n catch(failed) {\n httpRequest = false;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!httpRequest) {\n alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.');\n return false;\n }\n var savedidx = idx;\n // Action http_request\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {\n if (httpRequest.status == 200) {\n requestError=0;\n xmlupdateRow( httpRequest.responseXML, 'Row'+savedidx );\n }\n else {\n requestError++;\n }\n t = setTimeout('updateRow()',1000);\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', %s, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n requestError++;\n } else t = setTimeout('updateRow()',1000);\n}\n" tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/servers?action=div&type=%s&list=%s", str_type, str_list); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_SERVERS); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } // int iall, icccam, inewcamd, iradegast; // Total alltotal_servers( &iall, &icccam, &inewcamd, &iradegast ); int jall, jcccam, jnewcamd, jradegast; // Connected allconnected_servers( &jall, &jcccam, &jnewcamd, &jradegast ); // int connected = jall; int total = iall; if (get_type==1) { connected=jcccam; total=icccam; } else if (get_type==2) { connected=jnewcamd; total=inewcamd; } else if (get_type==3) { connected=jradegast; total=iradegast; } // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<select style=\"width:200px;\" onchange=\"parent.location.href='/servers?type='+this.value\">"); sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=all>All Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jall, iall ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (inewcamd) { if (get_type==2) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=newcamd selected>Newcamd Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jnewcamd,inewcamd ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=newcamd>Newcamd Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jnewcamd,inewcamd ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } if (icccam) { if (get_type==1) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=cccam selected>CCcam Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jcccam,icccam ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=cccam>CCcam Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jcccam,icccam ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } if (iradegast) { if (get_type==3) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=radegast>Radegast Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jradegast,iradegast ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=radegast selected>Radegast Servers (%d/%d)</option>",jradegast,iradegast ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select>"); // char *class1 = "button"; char *class2 = "sbutton"; char *class; if (get_list==LIST_ALL) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf," <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/servers?type=%s&list=all'\" value='All (%d)'>",class,str_type,total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf," <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/servers?type=%s&list=connected'\" value='Connected (%d)'>",class,str_type,connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_DISCONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf," <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/servers?type=%s&list=disconnected'\" value='Disconnected (%d)'>",class,str_type,total-connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Table sprintf( http_buf, "<br><table class=maintable width=100%%>\n<tr><th width=20px>Uptime</th><th width=200px>Host</th><th width=100px>Server</th><th width=100px>Connected</th><th width=150px>Ecm OK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Cards</th></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); srv = cfg.server; int alt = 0; if (get_type==0) { while (srv) { if (!(srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE)) if ( ((get_list&LIST_CONNECTED)&&(srv->handle>0))||((get_list&LIST_DISCONNECTED)&&(srv->handle<=0)) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getservercells(srv,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",srv->id,alt,srv->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[7],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } srv = srv->next; } } else if (get_type==1) { while (srv) { if (!(srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE)) if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) if ( ((get_list&LIST_CONNECTED)&&(srv->handle>0))||((get_list&LIST_DISCONNECTED)&&(srv->handle<=0)) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getservercells(srv,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",srv->id,alt,srv->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[7],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } srv = srv->next; } } else if (get_type==2) { while (srv) { if (!(srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE)) if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) if ( ((get_list&LIST_CONNECTED)&&(srv->handle>0))||((get_list&LIST_DISCONNECTED)&&(srv->handle<=0)) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getservercells(srv,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",srv->id,alt,srv->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[7],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } srv = srv->next; } } else if (get_type==3) { while (srv) { if (!(srv->flags&FLAG_REMOVE)) if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) if ( ((get_list&LIST_CONNECTED)&&(srv->handle>0))||((get_list&LIST_DISCONNECTED)&&(srv->handle<=0)) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getservercells(srv,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",srv->id,alt,srv->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[7],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } srv = srv->next; } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table>"); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } void http_send_server(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char *provname; // int get_id; char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (str_id) get_id = atoi(str_id); else return; //look for server struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid( get_id ); if (!srv) { tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Server not found (id=%d)<br>", get_id); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } // // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = 3; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = 4; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = 5; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"info")) get_action = 6; // XML info else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = 7; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // if (get_action==3) { srv->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; //cs_disconnect_cli(srv); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==4) { srv->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==5) { if (srv->handle>0) http_send_text(sock,"connected"); else http_send_text(sock,"disconnected"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } else if (get_action==7) { flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_SERVER, 0, srv->id); http_send_ok(sock); return; } // // Send Server infoPage tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Server"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table width=100%><tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:40%\">"); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=infotable><tbody>\n<tr><th colspan=2>Server Informations</th></tr>\n" ); // Host:Port sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Host</td><td class=right>%s : %d</td></tr>\n", srv->host->name, srv->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Server Type tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Type</td><td class=right>"); if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "CCcam</td></tr>\n"); else if (srv->type==TYPE_NEWCAMD) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "Newcamd</td></tr>\n"); else if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "Radegast</td></tr>\n"); // USER sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>User</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",srv->user ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Connection Time if (srv->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Connected</td></tr>\n"); uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-srv->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Connection time</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // IP sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>IP Address</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",(char*)ip2string(srv->host->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) { // Version sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Version</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n", srv->version); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Nodeid sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>NodeID</td><td class=right>%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x</td></tr>\n", srv->nodeid[0],srv->nodeid[1],srv->nodeid[2],srv->nodeid[3],srv->nodeid[4],srv->nodeid[5],srv->nodeid[6],srv->nodeid[7]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } else { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Disconnected</td></tr>\n"); if (srv->uptime && srv->connected) { uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-srv->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Last Seen</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } // UPTIME if (srv->uptime || srv->connected) { uint32_t uptime; if (srv->handle>0) uptime = (GetTickCount()-srv->connected)+srv->uptime; else uptime = srv->uptime; uptime /= 1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Uptime</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>",uptime/(3600*24),(uptime/3600)%24,(uptime/60)%60,uptime%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // Priority sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Priority</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>", srv->priority); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // EOT tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); if (srv->ecmnb) { // Ecm Stat tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>ECM Statistics</th></tr>\n" ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Total ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", srv->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Good ECM answer</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", srv->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Ecm Time if (srv->ecmok) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Average Time</td><td class=right>%d ms</td></tr>\n",(srv->ecmoktime/srv->ecmok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // EOT tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\">"); if (srv->cstat[0].csid) { //Print used profiles sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Used Profiles<br><table class=option><tr><th width=200px>Profile name</th><th width=90px>Total ECM</th><th width=90px>Ecm OK</th><th width=90px>Ecm Time</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int alt=0; int i; for ( i=0; i<MAX_CSPORTS; i++ ) { if (!srv->cstat[i].csid) break; struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid(srv->cstat[i].csid); if (!cs) continue; if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; //Profile name sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=alt%d><a href=\"/profile?id=%d\">%s</a></td>",alt, cs->id, cs->name); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //TotalECM sprintf( http_buf, "<td class=alt%d align=center>%d</td>",alt, srv->cstat[i].ecmnb ); //,cs->ecmdenied); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //ECM OK tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, srv->cstat[i].ecmok, srv->cstat[i].ecmnb ); //ECM TIME int temp; if (srv->cstat[i].ecmok) temp = srv->cstat[i].ecmoktime/srv->cstat[i].ecmok; else temp=0; if (temp) sprintf( http_buf, "<td class=alt%d align=center>%dms</td>",alt, temp); else sprintf( http_buf, "<td class=alt%d align=center>-- ms</td>",alt); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Close Row sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // EOT tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr></table>"); if (srv->handle>0) { // Print CardList if (srv->type==TYPE_CCCAM) { sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Total Cards = %d ( Hop1 = %d, Hop2 = %d )<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=120px>NodeID_CardID</th><th width=150px>EcmOK</th><th width=70px>EcmTime</th><th>Caid/Providers</th></tr>",srv_cardcount(srv,-1), srv_cardcount(srv,1), srv_cardcount(srv,2)); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cs_card_data *card = srv->card; int alt=0; while(card) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; #ifdef CCCAM_CLI sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=alt%d>%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x_%x</td>",alt, card->nodeid[0], card->nodeid[1], card->nodeid[2], card->nodeid[3], card->nodeid[4], card->nodeid[5], card->nodeid[6], card->nodeid[7], card->shareid); #else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=alt%d>%x</td>",alt, card->id); #endif tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #ifdef CCCAM_CLI sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d>%d / %d<span style=\"float:right\">",alt,card->ecmok,card->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (card->ecmnb) sprintf( http_buf,"%d%%</span></td>", card->ecmok*100/card->ecmnb); else sprintf( http_buf,"0%%</span></td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (card->ecmok) sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d align=center>%d ms</td>",alt, card->ecmoktime/card->ecmok ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d align=center>-- ms</td>",alt); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[0]); if (provname) sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d>[%d] <b>%04x:</b> %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>",alt,card->uphops,card->caid,card->prov[0], provname); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d>[%d] <b>%04x:</b> %x",alt,card->uphops,card->caid,card->prov[0]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #else provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[0]); if (provname) sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d><b>%04x:</b> %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>",alt,card->caid,card->prov[0], provname); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=alt%d><b>%04x:</b> %x",alt,card->caid,card->prov[0]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif int i; for(i=1; i<card->nbprov; i++) { provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[i]); if (provname) sprintf( http_buf,", %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>", card->prov[i], provname); else sprintf( http_buf,", %x", card->prov[i]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); card = card->next; } sprintf( http_buf,"</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Cards:<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th>Caid/Providers</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cs_card_data *card = srv->card; int alt=0; while(card) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[0]); if (provname) sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=alt%d><b>%04x:</b> %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>",alt,card->caid,card->prov[0], provname); else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=alt%d><b>%04x:</b> %x",alt,card->caid,card->prov[0]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for(i=1; i<card->nbprov; i++) { provname = providerID(card->caid,card->prov[i]); if (provname) sprintf( http_buf,", %x <font color=#CC3300>%s</font>", card->prov[i], provname); else sprintf( http_buf,", %x", card->prov[i]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); card = card->next; } sprintf( http_buf,"</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } int isactivepeer(struct cachepeer_data *peer) { if ( peer->ping>0 ) return 1; return 0; } void countcachepeers( int *total, int *active ) { *total = 0; *active = 0; struct cachepeer_data *peer = cfg.cache.peer; while (peer) { (*total)++; if ( isactivepeer(peer) ) (*active)++; peer = peer->next; } } void getcachecells(struct cachepeer_data *peer, char cell[11][2048] ) { char temp[2048]; memset(cell, 0, 11*2048); // CELL0#Host/port #ifdef NEWCACHE if ( (peer->protocol)&&(peer->ping>0) ) { if ( (peer->sms)&&(peer->sms->status==0) ) sprintf( cell[0],"<span style='float:right'><img src=sms.gif></span><a href='/cachepeer?id=%d'>%s:%d</a>", peer->id, peer->host->name,peer->port); else sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/cachepeer?id=%d'>%s:%d</a>", peer->id, peer->host->name,peer->port); } else #endif sprintf( cell[0],"%s:%d", peer->host->name,peer->port); // CELL1#IP char *p = getcountrybyip(peer->host->ip); if (p) sprintf( cell[1],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(peer->host->ip) ); else sprintf( cell[1],"%s",(char*)ip2string(peer->host->ip) ); // CELL2#Program sprintf( cell[2],"%s %s", peer->program, peer->version); // CELL3 # Ping if (peer->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( cell[10],"offline"); sprintf( cell[3],"Dis."); } else { if ( peer->ping>0 ) { sprintf( cell[10],"online"); sprintf( cell[3],"%d", peer->ping); } else { sprintf( cell[10],"offline"); sprintf( cell[3],"?"); } } // CELL4 # Request sprintf( cell[4],"%d",peer->reqnb); // CELL5 # sprintf( cell[5],"%d",peer->repok); // CELL7 #Forwarded Hits sprintf( cell[6],"%d",peer->hitfwd); // sprintf( cell[6],"REQ:%d REP: %d",peer->sentreq,peer->sentrep); // CELL8 # Cache Hits/Total getstatcell( peer->hitnb, cfg.cache.hits, cell[7] ); // CELL9 # Instant Cache getstatcell( peer->ihitnb, peer->hitnb, cell[8] ); // CELL10 # Last Used Cache if (peer->lastcaid) { sprintf( cell[9],"ch %s (%dms)", getchname(peer->lastcaid, peer->lastprov, peer->lastsid) , peer->lastdecodetime ); } else strcpy( cell[9], " "); strcat( cell[9], "<span style='float:right;'>"); if ( !(peer->flags&(FLAG_REMOVE|FLAG_EXPIRED)) ) { if (peer->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( temp," <img title='Enable' src='enable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cachepeer?id=%d&action=enable',this);\">",peer->id); strcat( cell[9], temp ); } else { sprintf( temp," <img title='disable' src='disable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cachepeer?id=%d&action=disable',this);\">",peer->id); strcat( cell[9], temp ); } } //sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cachepeer?id=%d&action=debug',this);\">",peer->id); strcat( cell[9], temp ); strcat( cell[9], "</span>"); } void http_send_cache(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; struct cachepeer_data *peer; char cell[11][2048]; int i; char *id = isset_get( req, "id"); // Get Peer ID if (id) { i = atoi(id); //look for server peer = cfg.cache.peer; while (peer) { if (peer->id==(uint32)i) break; peer = peer->next; } if (!peer) return; // Send XML CELLS getcachecells(peer,cell); for(i=0; i<11; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<peer>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3_c>%s</c3_c>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6><c7>%s</c7><c8>%s</c8><c9>%s</c9>\n</peer>\n",cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[10],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8],cell[9] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } // Param Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // Param List char *str_list = isset_get( req, "list"); int get_list = LIST_ALL; if (str_list) { if (!strcmp(str_list,"active")) get_list = LIST_CONNECTED; else if (!strcmp(str_list,"inactive")) get_list = LIST_DISCONNECTED; else str_list=NULL; } if (!str_list) str_list = "all"; // tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Cache"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(7).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c7')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(8).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c8')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(9).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c9')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n"); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/cache?id='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/cache?action=div&list=%s", str_list); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_CACHE); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } if (cfg.cache.handle<=0) { sprintf( http_buf, "Cache Server [<font color=#ff0000>DISABLED</font>]");tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table border=1 width=100%><tr>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<td>Cache Server [<font color=#00ff00>ENABLED</font>]</td>"); int total, active; countcachepeers( &total, &active ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>Port = %d</td>",cfg.cache.port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>Total Requests = %d</td>",cfg.cache.req); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>Total Replies = %d (%d%%)</td>", cfg.cache.rep, (cfg.cache.rep*100)/(cfg.cache.req+1) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tr></table>"); // Buttons char *class1 = "button"; char *class2 = "sbutton"; char *class; if (get_list==LIST_ALL) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, "<br><input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cache?list=all'\" value='All Peers(%d)'>", class, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cache?list=active'\" value='Active Peers(%d)'>", class, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_DISCONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cache?list=inactive'\" value='Inactive Peers(%d)'>", class, total-active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Peers MainTable sprintf( http_buf, "<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=200px>Host</th><th width=110px>IP Address</th><th width=80px>Program</th><th width=30px>Ping</th><th width=80px>Requests</th><th width=80px>Replies</th><th width=90px>Forwarded Hits</th><th width=110px>Cache Hits/Total</th><th width=80px>Instant Cache</th><th>Last Used Cache</th></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); peer = cfg.cache.peer; int alt=0; while (peer) { int isactive = isactivepeer(peer); if ( (isactive&&(get_list&LIST_CONNECTED)) || (!isactive&&(get_list&LIST_DISCONNECTED)) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcachecells(peer, cell); if (peer->runtime) alt=3; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",peer->id,alt,peer->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[10],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8],cell[9]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } peer = peer->next; } // Total sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt3><td align=right>Total</td><td colspan=3>%d</td>",totalcachepeers()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int totreq = 0; int totreqok = 0; int totrepok = 0; int tothits = 0; int totfwd = 0; int totihits = 0; peer = cfg.cache.peer; while (peer) { totreq += peer->reqnb; totreqok += peer->reqok; totrepok += peer->repok; tothits += peer->hitnb; totihits += peer->ihitnb; totfwd += peer->hitfwd; peer = peer->next; } sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>",totreq); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totreqok, totreq); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>",totrepok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>",totfwd); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, tothits, cfg.cache.hits); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totihits, tothits); sprintf( http_buf,"<td> </td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table>"); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } struct sms_data *cache_new_sms(char *msg); void cache_send_sms(struct cachepeer_data *peer, struct sms_data *sms); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void http_send_cache_peer(int sock, http_request *req) { char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (!str_id) return; //error int get_id = atoi(str_id); // struct cachepeer_data *peer = getpeerbyid( get_id ); if (!peer) return; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = 3; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = 4; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = 5; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"sms")) get_action = 10; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // if (get_action==3) { peer->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; peer->ping = 0; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==4) { peer->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==5) { if ( peer->ping>0 ) http_send_text(sock,"active"); else http_send_text(sock,"inactive"); return; } else if (get_action==10) { // Terminate the string req->dbf.data[req->dbf.datasize] = 0; char *msg = strstr( (char*)req->dbf.data, "\r\n\r\n" ); if (msg) { // Check Length int len = strlen(msg); if (len<2) return; if (len>1000) msg[1000] = 0; // Create MSG struct sms_data *sms = cache_new_sms(msg+4); cache_send_sms( peer, sms); // Wait ACK sleep(1); if (sms->status&2) { http_send_ok(sock); return; } } return; } char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (!get_action) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, " Cache Peer"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction smsrequest( peerid , button )\n{\n msg = document.getElementById('message').value;\n if (msg=='') return;\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n button.disabled = true;\n mydiv = document.getElementById('smsdiv');\n mydiv.innerHTML = 'Sending message to peer...';\n clearTimeout(tautorefresh);\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {\n if (httpRequest.status == 200) {\n mydiv.innerHTML = 'Message Sent Successfully';\n document.getElementById('message').value = '';\n }\n else mydiv.innerHTML = 'Failed to send message';\n button.disabled = false;\n if (!autorefresh) autorefresh = 3000;\n updateDiv();\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('POST', '/cachepeer?action=sms&id='+peerid, true);\n httpRequest.send( msg );\n}\n"); // UPD DIV char url[255]; sprintf( url, "/cachepeer?id=%d&action=div", peer->id); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body>"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table style='padding:0px; margin:0px;' width='100%'><tbody>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td style='vertical-align:top; width:400px;'>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class='infotable'><tbody><tr><th colspan=2>Cache Peer Informations</th></tr>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Host:Port</td><td class=right>%s:%d</td></tr>", peer->host->name, peer->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (peer->cards[0]) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Card list</td><td class=right><select>"); int i; for (i=0; i<1024; i++) { if (!peer->cards[i]) break; if ( (peer->cards[i]>>24)==5 ) sprintf( http_buf,"<option>0500:%06x</option>", peer->cards[i]&0xffffff); else sprintf( http_buf,"<option>%04x:%06x</option>", peer->cards[i]>>16, peer->cards[i]&0xffff); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select></td></tr>"); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td><td style='vertical-align:top;'>"); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class='infotable' width=100%><tr><th colspan=2>Send Message</td></tr><tr>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<td><textarea id='message' name='message' style='width:100%; height:50px;'></textarea></td>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<td width=150px align=center><input type=button style='width=120px' value='Send Message' onclick='smsrequest(%d, this)'><br><div id=smsdiv></div></td>", peer->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tr><tr><td colspan=2>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id=mainDiv>"); } if (peer->sms) { struct sms_data *sms = peer->sms; while (sms) { int hr = (1+(sms->tv.tv_sec/3600)) % 24; int mn = (sms->tv.tv_sec % 3600) /60; int sd = (sms->tv.tv_sec % 60); char *color; if (sms->status&1) { if (sms->status&2) color = "blue"; else color = "grey"; } else { if (sms->status&2) color = "green"; else color = "red"; sms->status = 2; } sprintf( http_buf,"<font color=%s><pre>---[%02d:%02d:%02d]-------\n%s</pre></font>", color, hr, mn, sd, sms->msg); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sms = sms->next; } } if (!get_action) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void getprofilecells(struct cardserver_data *cs, char cell[11][2048]) { char temp[2048]; // CELL0 # Profile name sprintf( cell[0],"<a href=\"/profile?id=%d\">%s</a>", cs->id, cs->name); // CELL1 # Port sprintf( cell[1],"<a href=\"/newcamd?pid=%d\">%d</a>", cs->id, cs->newcamd.port); if (cs->newcamd.handle>0) sprintf( cell[10],"online"); else sprintf( cell[10],"offline"); // CELL2 # Ecm Time if (cs->ecmok) sprintf( cell[2],"%d ms",(cs->ecmoktime/cs->ecmok) ); else sprintf( cell[2],"-- ms"); // CELL3 # TotalECM int ecmnb = cs->ecmaccepted+cs->ecmdenied; sprintf( cell[3], "%d", ecmnb ); // CELL4 # AcceptedECM getstatcell( cs->ecmaccepted, ecmnb, cell[4] ); // CELL5 # ECM OK getstatcell( cs->ecmok, cs->ecmaccepted, cell[5] ); // CELL6 # CacheHits getstatcell( cs->cachehits, cs->ecmok, cell[6] ); // CELL7 # Cache iHits getstatcell( cs->cacheihits, cs->cachehits, cell[7] ); // CELL8 # Clients int i=0; int j=0; struct cs_client_data *usr = cs->newcamd.client; while (usr) { i++; if (usr->handle>0) j++; usr = usr->next; } getstatcell2(j,i,cell[8]); // CELL9 # Caid:Providers sprintf( cell[9],"<b>%04X:</b> %x ",cs->card.caid,cs->card.prov[0]); for(i=1; i<cs->card.nbprov; i++) { sprintf( temp,",%x ",cs->card.prov[i]); strcat( cell[9], temp ); } strcat( cell[9], "<span style='float:right;'>"); sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/profile?id=%d&action=debug',this);\">",cs->id); strcat( cell[9], temp ); strcat( cell[9], "</span>"); } void http_send_profiles(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char cell[11][2048]; // Get Params char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = ACTION_DIV; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = ACTION_ROW; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = ACTION_XML; // Get Clients info in xml else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) { str_action = "page"; get_action = ACTION_PAGE; } // if (get_action==ACTION_XML) { char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); // CCcam server ID int get_id = 0; if (str_id) get_id = atoi( str_id ); struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid( get_id ); tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<multics>"); struct cardserver_data *srv; if (cs) srv = cs; else srv = cfg.cardserver; while (srv) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<profile>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<id>%d</id>", srv->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<name>%s</name>", srv->name); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<caid>%04x</caid>", srv->card.caid); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for (i=0; i<srv->card.nbprov; i++) { sprintf(http_buf, "<provider>%06x</provider>", srv->card.prov[i]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf(http_buf, "<totalecm>%d</totalecm>", srv->ecmaccepted+srv->ecmdenied); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<acceptedecm>%d</acceptedecm>", srv->ecmaccepted); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<ecmok>%d</ecmok>", srv->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</profile>"); if (cs) break; else srv = srv->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</multics>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } // int i; char *id = isset_get( req, "id"); // Get Peer ID if (id) { i = atoi(id); //look for server struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while (cs) { if (cs->id==(uint32)i) break; cs = cs->next; } if (!cs) return; // Send XML CELLS getprofilecells(cs,cell); for(i=0; i<11; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<profile>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1_c>%s</c1_c>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6>\n<c7>%s</c7>\n<c8>%s</c8>\n<c9>%s</c9>\n</profile>\n",cell[0],cell[10],cell[1],cell[2],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8],cell[9] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Profiles"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(7).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c7')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(8).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c8')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(9).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c9')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n"); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/profiles?id='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/profiles?action=div"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); // tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_PROFILES); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } sprintf( http_buf, "Total Profiles: %d", total_profiles() ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br>\n<table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=150px>Profile name</th><th width=50px>Port</th><th width=60px>EcmTime</th><th width=60px>TotalECM</th><th width=90px>AcceptedECM</th><th width=80px>Ecm OK</th><th width=80px>Cache Hits</th><th width=80px>Instant Hits</th><th width=80px>Clients</th><th>Caid:Providers</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; int alt=0; while(cs) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getprofilecells( cs, cell ); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>",cs->id,alt,cs->id,cell[0],cell[10],cell[1],cell[2],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8],cell[9]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cs = cs->next; } // Total if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr class=alt3><td align=right>Total</td><td align=center>%d</td><td align=center>--</td>",total_profiles()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int totecm = 0; int totecmaccepted = 0; int totecmok = 0; int totcachehits = 0; int totcacheihits = 0; cs = cfg.cardserver; while(cs) { totecm += cs->ecmaccepted+cs->ecmdenied; totecmaccepted += cs->ecmaccepted; totecmok += cs->ecmok; totcachehits += cs->cachehits; totcacheihits += cs->cacheihits; cs = cs->next; } sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>%d</td>",totecm); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totecmaccepted, totecm); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totecmok, totecmaccepted); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totcachehits, totecmok); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, totcacheihits, totcachehits); sprintf( http_buf, "<td colspan=2> </td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Speed uint ticks = GetTickCount()/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt2><td align=right>Average speed</td><td colspan=2 align=center>(per minute)</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>%d</td>", totecm*60/ticks); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>", totecmaccepted*60/ticks); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>", totecmok*60/ticks); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>", totcachehits*60/ticks); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%d</td>", totcacheihits*60/ticks); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<td colspan=2> </td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "\n</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</div></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROFILE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void cs_clients( struct cardserver_data *cs, int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct cs_client_data *cli=cs->newcamd.client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } } void cs_allclients( int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while (cs) { struct cs_client_data *cli = cs->newcamd.client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } cs = cs->next; } } #ifdef RADEGAST_SRV int connected_radegast_clients(struct cardserver_data *cs) { int nb=0; struct rdgd_client_data *rdgdcli=cs->rdgd.client; if (cs->rdgd.handle) while (rdgdcli) { if (rdgdcli->handle>0) nb++; rdgdcli=rdgdcli->next; } return nb; } #endif char *programid(unsigned int id) { typedef struct { char name[13]; unsigned int id; } tnewcamdprog; static tnewcamdprog camdp[] = { { "Generic", 0x0000 }, { "VDRSC", 0x5644 }, { "LCE", 0x4C43 }, { "Camd3", 0x4333 }, { "Radegast", 0x7264 }, { "Gbox2CS", 0x6762 }, { "Mgcamd", 0x6D67 }, { "WinCSC", 0x7763 }, { "newcs", 0x6E73 }, { "cx", 0x6378 }, { "Kaffeine", 0x6B61 }, { "Evocamd", 0x6576 }, { "CCcam", 0x4343 }, { "Tecview", 0x5456 }, { "AlexCS", 0x414C }, { "Rqcamd", 0x0666 }, { "Rq-echo", 0x0667 }, { "Acamd", 0x9911 }, { "Cardlink", 0x434C }, { "Octagon", 0x4765 }, { "sbcl", 0x5342 }, { "NextYE2k", 0x6E65 }, { "NextYE2k", 0x4E58 }, { "DiabloCam/UW", 0x4453 }, { "OScam", 0x8888 }, { "Scam", 0x7363 }, { "Rq-sssp/CW", 0x0669 }, { "Rq-sssp/CS", 0x0665 }, { "JlsRq", 0x0769 }, { "eyetvCamd", 0x4543 } }; static char unknown[] = "Unknown"; unsigned int i; id = id & 0xffff; for( i=0; i<sizeof(camdp)/sizeof(tnewcamdprog); i++ ) if (camdp[i].id==id) return camdp[i].name; return unknown; } char* str_laststatus[] = { "NOK", "OK" }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void getnewcamdclientcells(struct cs_client_data *cli, char cell[10][2048]) { char temp[2048]; unsigned int ticks = GetTickCount(); unsigned int d; // CELL0 # User name sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/newcamdclient?id=%d'>%s</a>", cli->id, cli->user); // CELL1 # PROGRAM ID if (cli->handle>0) sprintf( cell[1],"<span title='%04x'>%s</span>", cli->progid, programid(cli->progid)); else strcpy( cell[1], " "); // CELL2 # IP if (cli->handle>0) { char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (p) sprintf( cell[2],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); else sprintf( cell[2], "%s", (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); } else strcpy( cell[2], " "); // CELL3 # CONNECTION TIME if (cli->handle>0) { d = (ticks-cli->connected)/1000; if (cli->ecm.busy) sprintf( cell[9], "busy"); else sprintf( cell[9], "online"); sprintf( cell[3],"%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); } else { sprintf( cell[9], "offline"); if (cli->flags&FLAG_REMOVE) sprintf( cell[3],"Removed"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_EXPIRED) sprintf( cell[3],"Expired"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) sprintf( cell[3],"Disabled"); else sprintf( cell[3],"offline"); } if (cli->enddate.tm_year) { sprintf( temp,"<br>Expire: %d-%02d-%02d", 1900+cli->enddate.tm_year, cli->enddate.tm_mon+1, cli->enddate.tm_mday); strcat( cell[3], temp ); } sprintf( temp, "<table class=\"connect_data\"><tr><td>Successful Login: %d</td><td>Aborted Connections: %d</td><td>Total Zapping: %d</td><td>Channel Freeze: %d</td></tr></table>", cli->nblogin, cli->nbloginerror, cli->zap, cli->freeze ); strcat( cell[3], temp ); // ECM STAT #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE if (cli->cachedcw) sprintf( cell[4], "%d [%d]", cli->ecmnb, cli->cachedcw); else sprintf( cell[4], "%d", cli->ecmnb ); #else sprintf( cell[4], "%d", cli->ecmnb ); #endif // int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; getstatcell( ecmaccepted, cli->ecmnb, cell[5]); getstatcell( cli->ecmok, ecmaccepted, cell[6]); // Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) sprintf( cell[7],"%d ms",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); else sprintf( cell[7],"-- ms"); //Last Used Share if ( (cli->handle<=0) && cli->uptime && cli->connected ) { d = (ticks-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( cell[8],"Last Seen %02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); } else if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { if (cli->ecm.laststatus) sprintf( cell[8],"<span class=success"); else sprintf( cell[8],"<span class=failed"); sprintf( temp," title='%04x:%06x:%04x'>ch %s (%dms) %s ",cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid, getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); strcat( cell[8], temp); if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { strcat( cell[8], " / from "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, temp); strcat( cell[8], temp); } } strcat( cell[8], "</span>"); } else strcpy( cell[8], " "); strcat( cell[8], "<span style='float:right;'>"); if ( !(cli->flags&(FLAG_REMOVE|FLAG_EXPIRED)) ) { if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( temp," <img title='Enable' src='enable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/newcamdclient?id=%d&action=enable',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } else { sprintf( temp," <img title='disable' src='disable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/newcamdclient?id=%d&action=disable',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } } sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/newcamdclient?id=%d&action=debug',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); strcat( cell[8], "</span>"); } void http_send_newcamd(int sock, http_request *req) // page, div, row { char http_buf[2048]; char cell[10][2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; struct cs_client_data *cli; // Get Params char *str_list = isset_get( req, "list"); int get_list = LIST_ACTIVE; if (str_list) { if (!strcmp(str_list,"connected")) get_list = LIST_CONNECTED; else if (!strcmp(str_list,"all")) get_list = LIST_ALL; else str_list=NULL; } if (!str_list) str_list = "active"; // Param 'action' char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = ACTION_DIV; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = ACTION_ROW; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = ACTION_XML; // Get Clients info in xml else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = ACTION_DISABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = ACTION_ENABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = ACTION_STATUS; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = ACTION_DEBUG; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) { str_action = "page"; get_action = ACTION_PAGE; } // Profile ID char *str_pid = isset_get( req, "pid"); int get_pid; if (str_pid) get_pid = atoi(str_pid); else get_pid = 0; struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid(get_pid); //// if (get_action==ACTION_XML) { tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<multics>"); struct cardserver_data *srv; if (cs) srv = cs; else srv = cfg.cardserver; while (srv) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<newcamd>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<id>%d</id>", srv->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<port>%d</port>", srv->newcamd.port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>", (srv->newcamd.handle>0) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t ticks = GetTickCount(); struct cs_client_data *cli = srv->newcamd.client; while (cli) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<user>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<name>%s</name>", cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<status>1</status>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<ip>%s</ip>", (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (p) sprintf(http_buf, "<country>%s</country>", p); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t d = (ticks - cli->connected)/1000; sprintf(http_buf, "<connected>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</connected>", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>",cli->flags&0x0E); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</user>"); cli = cli->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</newcamd>"); if (cs) break; else srv = srv->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</multics>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } char *id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (id) { // XML int i = atoi(id); struct cs_client_data *cli = getnewcamdclientbyid(i); if (!cli) return; // Send XML CELLS getnewcamdclientcells(cli,cell); for(i=0; i<10; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<newcamd>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3_c>%s</c3_c>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6>\n<c7>%s</c7>\n<c8>%s</c8>\n</newcamd>\n",cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Newcamd"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(7).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c7')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(8).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c8')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n"); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/newcamd?id='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/newcamd?pid=%d&list=%s&action=div", get_pid, str_list); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); // tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_NEWCAMD); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } sprintf( http_buf, "<select style=\"width:200px;\" onchange=\"parent.location.href='/newcamd?pid='+this.value\"> ><option value=0>All Profiles(%d)</option>", total_profiles()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cardserver_data *tmp = cfg.cardserver; while (tmp) { if (tmp->id==get_pid) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d selected> [%d] %s </option>", tmp->id, tmp->newcamd.port, tmp->name); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d> [%d] %s </option>", tmp->id, tmp->newcamd.port, tmp->name); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tmp = tmp->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</select> "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // int total, connected, active; if (cs) cs_clients( cs, &total, &connected, &active ); else cs_allclients( &total, &connected, &active ); char *class1 = "button"; char *class2 = "sbutton"; char *class; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/newcamd?pid=%d&list=active'\" value='Active Clients(%d)'>", class, get_pid,active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/newcamd?pid=%d&list=connected'\" value='Connected Clients(%d)'>", class, get_pid,connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_ALL) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/newcamd?pid=%d&list=all'\" value='All Clients(%d)'>", class, get_pid,total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //NEWCAMD CLIENTS if (cs) { // sprintf( http_buf, "<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>Program</th><th width=120px>IP Address</th><th width=100px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cs->newcamd.client; int alt=0; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) { while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if (get_list==LIST_ALL) { while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } else if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) { while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } sprintf( http_buf, "</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { // sprintf( http_buf, "<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>Program</th><th width=120px>IP Address</th><th width=100px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int alt=0; struct cardserver_data *cs = cfg.cardserver; while (cs) { int total, connected, active; cs_clients( cs, &total, &connected, &active ); if ( (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) && active ) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9>%s (%d)</td></tr>\n", cs->name, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cs->newcamd.client; while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_ALL) && total ) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9>%s (%d)</td></tr>\n", cs->name, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cs->newcamd.client; while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) && connected ) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9>%s (%d)</td></tr>\n", cs->name, connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cs->newcamd.client; while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getnewcamdclientcells(cli, cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=%s>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } cs = cs->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div></body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void http_send_newcamd_client(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (!str_id) return; //error int get_id = atoi(str_id); // struct cs_client_data *cli = getnewcamdclientbyid( get_id ); if (!cli) return; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = 3; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = 4; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = 5; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"info")) get_action = 6; // XML info else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = 7; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // if (get_action==3) { cli->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; cs_disconnect_cli(cli); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==4) { cli->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==5) { if (cli->handle>0) http_send_text(sock,"connected"); else http_send_text(sock,"disconnected"); return; } else if (get_action==7) { flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_NEWCAMD, cli->pid, cli->id); http_send_ok(sock); return; } // tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Newcamd Client"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // UPD DIV char url[256]; sprintf( url, "/newcamdclient?id=%d&action=div", get_id); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table style=\"padding:0px; margin:0px;\" width=\"100%%\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:400px;\">\n" ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=infotable><tbody>\n<tr><th colspan=2>Newcamd Client Informations</th></tr>\n" ); // Profile struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid( cli->pid ); if (cs) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Profile</td><td class=right><a href='/profile?id=%d'>%s</a></td></tr>\n", cs->id, cs->name); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // NAME sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>User name</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Connection Time if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Connected</td></tr>\n"); uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Connection time</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // IP sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>IP Address</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Program ID sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Client Program</td><td class=right>%s(%04x)</td></tr>",programid(cli->progid), cli->progid ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Disconnected</td></tr>\n"); if (cli->uptime && cli->connected) { uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Last Seen</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } // UPTIME if (cli->uptime || cli->connected) { uint32_t uptime; if (cli->handle>0) uptime = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)+cli->uptime; else uptime = cli->uptime; uptime /= 1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Uptime</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>",uptime/(3600*24),(uptime/3600)%24,(uptime/60)%60,uptime%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); // INFO struct client_info_data *info = cli->info; if (info) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>Additional Informations</th></tr>\n" ); while (info) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>%s:</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",info->name,info->value); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); info = info->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Ecm Stat tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>ECM Statistics</th></tr>\n" ); int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Total ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Accepted ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", ecmaccepted); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Good ECM answer</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Average Time</td><td class=right>%d ms</td></tr>\n",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Cached DCW</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->cachedcw); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif // Freeze sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Total Freeze</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->freeze); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\">\n" ); //Last Used Share if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th>Last Used share</th></tr>\n"); // Decode Status if (cli->ecm.laststatus) sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode success</td></tr>\n"); else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode failed</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Channel sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Channel %s (%dms) %s</td></tr>\n", getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Server if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td>From "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, http_buf ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>"); } // Last ECM ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.lastid); // ECM sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ECM(%d): ", ecm->ecmlen); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->ecm, http_buf, ecm->ecmlen ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->cw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #ifdef CHECK_NEXTDCW if ( (ecm->lastdecode.status>0)&&(ecm->lastdecode.counter>0) ) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Last DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->lastdecode.dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>\n"); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total wrong DCW = %d</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.error); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (ecm->lastdecode.counter>2) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total Consecutif DCW = %d</td></tr>\n<tr><td>ECM Interval = %ds</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.counter, ecm->lastdecode.dcwchangetime/1000); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } #endif // if (ecm->server[0].srvid) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td><table class='infotable'><tbody><tr><th width='30px'>ID</th><th width='250px'>Server</th><th width='50px'>Status</th><th width='70px'>Start time</th><th width='70px'>End time</th><th width='90px'>Elapsed time</th><th>DCW</th></tr></tbody>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { if (!ecm->server[i].srvid) break; char* str_srvstatus[] = { "WAIT", "OK", "NOK", "BUSY" }; struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(ecm->server[i].srvid); if (srv) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s:%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%dms</td>", i+1, srv->host->name, srv->port, str_srvstatus[ecm->server[i].flag], ecm->server[i].sendtime - ecm->recvtime ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Recv Time if (ecm->server[i].statustime>ecm->server[i].sendtime) sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%dms</td><td>%dms</td>", ecm->server[i].statustime - ecm->recvtime, ecm->server[i].statustime-ecm->server[i].sendtime ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td><td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (ecm->server[i].flag==ECM_SRV_REPLY_GOOD) { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->server[i].dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table></td></tr>\n" ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Current Busy Ecm if (cli->ecm.busy) { ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.id); if (ecm) http_send_ecmstatus(&tcpbuf, sock, ecm); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr></tbody></table>" ); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } char *yesno( int a ) { static char yes[] ="YES"; static char no[] ="NO"; if (a) return yes; else return no; } void http_send_profile(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[1024]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; // Get Profile int get_id = 0; char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (str_id) get_id = atoi(str_id); struct cardserver_data *cs = getcsbyid(get_id); if (!cs) return; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = 3; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = 4; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = 5; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = 6; // XML info else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = 7; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // if (get_action==3) { cs->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; ////////// cc_disconnect_cli(cli); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==4) { cs->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==5) { if (IS_DISABLED(cs->flags)) http_send_text(sock,"active"); else http_send_text(sock,"inactive"); return; } else if (get_action==7) { flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_NEWCAMD, cs->id, 0); http_send_ok(sock); return; } // tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Profile"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); sprintf( http_buf, "<input type=button onclick=\"parent.location='/newcamd?pid=%d'\" value='Newcamd Clients'>", cs->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<br><br><div class=\"outer\"> <div class=\"top\"><b>Profile: %s</b><ul><li>Newcamd Port = %d</li>",cs->name, cs->newcamd.port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #ifdef RADEGAST_SRV sprintf( http_buf, "<li>Radegast Port = %d</li>", cs->rdgd.port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif sprintf( http_buf, "<li>Network ID = %04X</li>", cs->option.onid); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<li>Caid = %04X</li><li>Providers =", cs->card.caid); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for (i=0;i<cs->card.nbprov;i++) { sprintf( http_buf, " %06x",cs->card.prov[i]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf, "</li><li>Total ECM = %d</li> <li>Accepted ECM = %d</li><li>Ecm OK = %d</li><li>Ecm Time = %dms</li><li>Total Cache Hits = %d</li><li>Instant Cache Hits = %d</li></ul>", cs->ecmaccepted+cs->ecmdenied, cs->ecmaccepted, cs->ecmok, cs->ecmoktime/(cs->ecmok+1), cs->cachehits, cs->cacheihits); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "</div><span style=\"float:right\"><table class=option border=1px cellspacing=0><tr><th width=150px>Option</th><th width=50px>Value</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW TIME</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.dcw.time); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW TIMEOUT</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.dcw.timeout); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW CHECK</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(cs->option.dcw.check) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW MAXFAILED</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.maxfailedecm); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER MAX</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.max); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER INTERVAL</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.interval); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER TIMEOUT</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.timeout); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER TIMEPERECM:</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.timeperecm); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER VALIDECMTIME</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.validecmtime); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>SERVER FIRST</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.server.first); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>RETRY NEWCAMD</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.retry.newcamd); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>RETRY CCCAM</td><td>%d</td></tr>", cs->option.retry.cccam); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>CACHE TIMEOUT</td><td>%dms</td></tr>", cs->option.cachetimeout); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>CACHE SENDREQ</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(cs->option.cachesendreq) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ACCEPT NULL CAID</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(cs->option.faccept0caid) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ACCEPT NULL PROVIDER</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(cs->option.faccept0provider) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ACCEPT NULL SID</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(cs->option.faccept0sid) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DISABLE CCCAM</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(!cs->option.fallowcccam) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DISABLE NEWCAMD</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(!cs->option.fallownewcamd) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DISABLE RADEGAST</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(!cs->option.fallowradegast) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DISABLE CACHE</td><td>%s</td></tr>", yesno(!cs->option.fallowcache) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "</table></span></div><br><br>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); /* #ifdef RADEGAST_SRV struct rdgd_client_data *rdgdcli; if (cs->rdgd.handle && cs->rdgd.client) { //READEGAST CLIENTS sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Connected Radegast Clients: %d<br><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=110px>IP Address</th><th width=100px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>", connected_radegast_clients(cs)); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); rdgdcli = cs->rdgd.client; int alt=0; while (rdgdcli) { if (rdgdcli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; d = (GetTickCount()-rdgdcli->connected)/1000; if (rdgdcli->ecm.busy) sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt%d><td>%s</td><td class=\"busy\">%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td>",alt,(char*)ip2string(rdgdcli->ip), d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt%d><td>%s</td><td class=\"online\">%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td>",alt,(char*)ip2string(rdgdcli->ip), d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<td align=center>%d</td>", rdgdcli->ecmnb ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int ecmaccepted = rdgdcli->ecmnb-rdgdcli->ecmdenied; tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, ecmaccepted, rdgdcli->ecmnb); tcp_writeecmdata(&tcpbuf, sock, rdgdcli->ecmok, ecmaccepted); //Ecm Time if (rdgdcli->ecmok) sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>%d ms</td>",(rdgdcli->ecmoktime/rdgdcli->ecmok) ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td align=center>-- ms</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Last Used Share if ( rdgdcli->ecm.lastcaid ) { if (rdgdcli->ecm.laststatus) sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=success>"); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td class=failed>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"ch %s (%dms) %s ", getchname(rdgdcli->ecm.lastcaid, rdgdcli->ecm.lastprov, rdgdcli->ecm.lastsid) , rdgdcli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[rdgdcli->ecm.laststatus] ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if ( (GetTickCount()-rdgdcli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { if (rdgdcli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype==DCW_SOURCE_SERVER) { struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(rdgdcli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid); if (srv) { sprintf( http_buf," / from server (%s:%d)", srv->host->name, srv->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } else if (rdgdcli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype==DCW_SOURCE_CACHE) { struct cachepeer_data *peer = getpeerbyid(rdgdcli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid); if (peer) { sprintf( http_buf," / from cache peer (%s:%d)", peer->host->name, peer->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } } sprintf( http_buf,"</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf,"<td> </td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } rdgdcli = rdgdcli->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #endif */ // Send Stat sprintf( http_buf, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n.mainborder\n{ background: #d2d2d2; border: 1px solid #0B198C; border-spacing: 0px; font: 10px verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 1 2; }\n.redborder { background: #d25555; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-spacing: 0px; font: 9px verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }\n.greenborder { background: #55d255; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-spacing: 0px; font: 9px verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }\n.blueborder { background: #5555e2; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-spacing: 0px; font: 9px verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }\n</style>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE sprintf( http_buf, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n.yellowborder { background: #FFFF00; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-spacing: 0px; font: 9px verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }\n</style>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif if (cs->ecmok) { sprintf( http_buf, "\n<br><br><table class=\"mainborder\" width=100%%>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td><div class=\"redborder\" style=\"height: 10px; width: 10px;\"></div> </td><td width=100%%>Total DCW number</td></tr><tr><td><div class=greenborder style=\"height: 10px; width: 10px;\"></div> </td><td width=100%%>Number of DCW from servers</td></tr><tr><td><div class=blueborder style=\"height: 10px; width: 10px;\"></div> </td><td width=100%%>Number of DCW from cache</td></tr><tr><td><div class=yellowborder style=\"height: 10px; width: 10px;\"></div> </td><td width=100%%>Number of DCW from Newcamd Clients</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Get Max of ttime int max=1; for(i=0; i<(cs->option.dcw.timeout/100); i++) if (max<cs->ttime[i]) max=cs->ttime[i]; for(i=0; i<(cs->option.dcw.timeout/100); i++) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>%d.%ds</td><td>", i/10,i%10 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // RED int width = cs->ttime[i]*100/max; if (width>10) sprintf( http_buf, "<div class=redborder style='height:3px; width:%d%%'><span style=\"float: right;\">%d</span></div>", width, cs->ttime[i] ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<div class=redborder style='height:3px; width:%d%%'></div>", width ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // GREEN sprintf( http_buf, "<div class=greenborder style='height:3px; width:%d%%'></div>", (cs->ttimecards[i]*100/max) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // BLUE sprintf( http_buf, "<div class=blueborder style='height:3px; width:%d%%'></div>", (cs->ttimecache[i]*100/max) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE // YELLOW sprintf( http_buf, "<div class=yellowborder style='height:3px; width:%d%%'></div>", (cs->ttimeclients[i]*100/max) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif // sprintf( http_buf, "</td></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf, "</table><br>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef CCCAM_SRV void cccam_clients( struct cccamserver_data *cccam, int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } } void total_cccam_clients( struct config_data *cfg, int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct cccamserver_data *cccam = cfg->cccam.server; while (cccam) { struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } cccam = cccam->next; } } void getcccamcells(struct cc_client_data *cli, char cell[10][2048]) { char temp[2048]; unsigned int ticks = GetTickCount(); unsigned int d; // CELL0 # NAME if (cli->realname) sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/cccamclient?id=%d'>%s<br>%s</a>",cli->id,cli->user,cli->realname); else sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/cccamclient?id=%d'>%s</a>",cli->id,cli->user); // CELL1 # VERSION if (strlen(cli->version)) sprintf( cell[1],"%s",cli->version ); else strcpy( cell[1]," " ); // CELL2 # IP char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (cli->host) if (p) sprintf( cell[2],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s<br>%s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(cli->ip), cli->host->name ); else sprintf( cell[2],"%s<br>%s",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip), cli->host->name ); else if (p) sprintf( cell[2],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); else sprintf( cell[2],"%s",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); // CELL3 # Connection Time if (cli->handle>0) { if (cli->ecm.busy) sprintf( cell[9],"busy"); else sprintf( cell[9],"online"); d = (ticks-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( cell[3], "%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); } else { strcpy( cell[9], "offline" ); if (cli->flags&FLAG_REMOVE) sprintf( cell[3],"Removed"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_EXPIRED) sprintf( cell[3],"Expired"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) sprintf( cell[3],"Disabled"); else sprintf( cell[3],"offline"); } if (cli->enddate.tm_year) { sprintf( temp,"<br>Expire: %d-%02d-%02d", 1900+cli->enddate.tm_year, cli->enddate.tm_mon+1, cli->enddate.tm_mday); strcat( cell[3], temp ); } sprintf( temp, "<table class=\"connect_data\"><tr><td>Successful Login: %d</td><td>Aborted Connections: %d</td><td>Total Zapping: %d</td><td>Channel Freeze: %d</td></tr></table>", cli->nblogin, cli->nbloginerror, cli->zap, cli->freeze ); strcat( cell[3], temp ); // CELL4+5+6 # ECM STAT: TOTAL/ACCEPTED/OK sprintf( cell[4], "%d", cli->ecmnb); int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; getstatcell( ecmaccepted, cli->ecmnb, cell[5]); getstatcell( cli->ecmok, ecmaccepted, cell[6]); // CELL7 # Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) sprintf( cell[7],"%d ms",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); else sprintf( cell[7],"-- ms"); // CELL8 # Last Used Share if ( (cli->handle<=0) && cli->uptime && cli->connected ) { d = (ticks-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( cell[8],"Last Seen %02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); } else if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { if (cli->ecm.laststatus) strcpy( cell[8],"<span class=success"); else strcpy( cell[8],"<span class=failed"); sprintf( temp," title='%04x:%06x:%04x'>ch %s (%dms) %s ",cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid, getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); strcat( cell[8], temp ); if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { strcat( cell[8], " / from "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, temp); strcat( cell[8], temp); } } strcat( cell[8], "</span>" ); } else strcpy( cell[8], " "); strcat( cell[8], "<span style='float:right;'>"); if ( !(cli->flags&(FLAG_REMOVE|FLAG_EXPIRED)) ) { if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( temp," <img title='Enable' src='enable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cccamclient?action=enable&id=%d',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } else { sprintf( temp," <img title='disable' src='disable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cccamclient?action=disable&id=%d',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } } sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/cccamclient?action=debug&id=%d',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); strcat( cell[8], "</span>"); } int total_cccam_servers() { int count=0; struct cccamserver_data *srv = cfg.cccam.server; while (srv) { count++; srv = srv->next; } return count; } void http_send_cccam(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char cell[10][2048]; // Get Params char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); char *str_list = isset_get( req, "list"); char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); // CCcam server ID char *str_clid = isset_get( req, "clid"); // Client ID char *str_clname = isset_get( req, "clname"); // Client NAME // Param 'action' int get_action; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = ACTION_DIV; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = ACTION_ROW; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = ACTION_XML; // Get Clients info in xml else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = ACTION_DISABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = ACTION_ENABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = ACTION_STATUS; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = ACTION_DEBUG; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) { str_action = "page"; get_action = ACTION_PAGE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// if (get_action==ACTION_ROW) { // Check for XML ROW struct cc_client_data *cli = NULL; if (str_clid) { cli = getcccamclientbyid( atoi(str_clid) ); if (!cli) return; } else { if (str_id && str_clname) { struct cccamserver_data *cccam = getcccamserverbyid( atoi(str_id) ); if (!cccam) return; cli = getcccamclientbyname( cccam, str_clname ); if (!cli) return; } else return; } // Send XML CELLS getcccamcells(cli,cell); int i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<cccam>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3_c>%s</c3_c>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6>\n<c7>%s</c7>\n<c8>%s</c8>\n</cccam>\n",cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_XML) { struct cccamserver_data *cccam = NULL; if (str_id) cccam = getcccamserverbyid( atoi(str_id) ); tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<multics>"); struct cccamserver_data *srv; if (cccam) srv = cccam; else srv = cfg.cccam.server; while (srv) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<cccam>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<id>%d</id>", srv->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<port>%d</port>", srv->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>", (srv->handle>0) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t ticks = GetTickCount(); struct cc_client_data *cli = srv->client; while (cli) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<user>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<name>%s</name>", cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<status>1</status>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<ip>%s</ip>", (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (p) sprintf(http_buf, "<country>%s</country>", p); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t d = (ticks - cli->connected)/1000; sprintf(http_buf, "<connected>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</connected>", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>",cli->flags&0x0E); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</user>"); cli = cli->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</cccam>"); if (cccam) break; else srv = srv->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</multics>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } // Param 'id' int get_id = 0; if (str_id) get_id = atoi(str_id); // Param 'list' int get_list = LIST_ACTIVE; if (str_list) { if (!strcmp(str_list,"connected")) get_list = LIST_CONNECTED; else if (!strcmp(str_list,"all")) get_list = LIST_ALL; else str_list = NULL; } if (!str_list) str_list = "active"; // struct cccamserver_data *cccam = NULL; if (get_id) { cccam = getcccamserverbyid(get_id); if (!cccam) return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "CCcam"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(7).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c7')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(8).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c8')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n"); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/cccam?action=row&clid='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/cccam?action=div&id=%d&list=%s", get_id, str_list); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_CCCAM); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px; border-width:0px; border-spacing: 1px;\"><tr>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<td style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px;\"><a href='/cccam'><table border=1 width=200px>"); // Total Servers sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Total CCcam Servers: %d</td></tr>", total_cccam_servers() ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Nodeid sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>NodeID = %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x</td></tr>", cfg.cccam.nodeid[0], cfg.cccam.nodeid[1], cfg.cccam.nodeid[2], cfg.cccam.nodeid[3], cfg.cccam.nodeid[4], cfg.cccam.nodeid[5], cfg.cccam.nodeid[6], cfg.cccam.nodeid[7]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Version sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Version = %s</td></tr>", cfg.cccam.version); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table></a></td>"); // Servers if (cfg.cccam.server) { int counter = 0; struct cccamserver_data *cccam = cfg.cccam.server; while ( cccam && (counter<5) ) { sprintf( http_buf, "<td style=\"margin:0px; padding: 0px;\"><a href='/cccam?id=%d'><table border=1 width=150px>", cccam->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (cccam->handle>0) sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>CCcam %d [<span class=success>ENABLED</span>]</td></tr>", cccam->id); else sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>CCcam %d [<span class=failed>DISABLED</span>]</td></tr>", cccam->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Port = %d</td></tr>", cccam->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int total, connected, active; cccam_clients( cccam, &total, &connected, &active ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Connected: %d / %d</td></tr>", connected, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table></a></td>"); counter++; cccam = cccam->next; } } // End of table tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tr></table><br>"); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<div id='mainDiv'>"); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<select style=\"width:200px;\" onchange=\"parent.location.href='/cccam?id='+this.value\">"); sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=0>ALL (%d)</option>", total_cccam_servers()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cccamserver_data *tmp = cfg.cccam.server; while (tmp) { if (get_id==tmp->id) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d selected>[%d] CCcam %d</option>",tmp->id,tmp->port, tmp->id ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d>[%d] CCcam %d</option>",tmp->id,tmp->port, tmp->id ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tmp = tmp->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select> "); // int total, connected, active; if (cccam) cccam_clients( cccam, &total, &connected, &active ); else total_cccam_clients( &cfg, &total, &connected, &active ); char *class1 = "button"; char *class2 = "sbutton"; char *class; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, "<input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cccam?id=%d&list=active'\" value='Active Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cccam?id=%d&list=connected'\" value='Connected Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_ALL) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/cccam?id=%d&list=all'\" value='All Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // if (get_id) { // One Server Selected // Table sprintf( http_buf, "\n<table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>version</th><th width=120px>ip</th><th width=110px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; int alt=0; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) { while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) { while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else { // ALL while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } sprintf( http_buf, "\n</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { // Table tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf,sock, "\n<table class=maintable width=100%>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf,sock, "\n<tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>version</th><th width=120px>ip</th><th width=110px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>"); int alt=0; cccam = cfg.cccam.server; while (cccam) { int total, connected, active; cccam_clients( cccam, &total, &connected, &active ); if ( (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) && active ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> CCcam %d (%d)</td></tr>", cccam->id, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_ALL) && total ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> CCcam %d (%d)</td></tr>", cccam->id, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) && connected ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> CCcam %d (%d)</td></tr>", cccam->id, connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct cc_client_data *cli = cccam->client; while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } cccam = cccam->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void http_send_cccam_client(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; // Get Params char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); // Client ID char *str_name = isset_get( req, "name"); // Client NAME char *str_srvid = isset_get( req, "srvid"); // CCcam Server ID // Param 'action' int get_action; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = ACTION_DIV; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = ACTION_XML; // Get Clients info in xml else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = ACTION_DISABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = ACTION_ENABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = ACTION_STATUS; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = ACTION_DEBUG; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) { str_action = "page"; get_action = ACTION_PAGE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // GET CLIENT struct cc_client_data *cli = NULL; if (str_id) cli = getcccamclientbyid( atoi(str_id) ); else if (str_srvid && str_name) { struct cccamserver_data *cccam = getcccamserverbyid( atoi(str_srvid) ); if (cccam) cli = getcccamclientbyname( cccam, str_name ); } if (!cli) return; // if (get_action==ACTION_XML) { tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<client>"); uint32_t ticks = GetTickCount(); sprintf(http_buf, "<id>%d</id>", cli->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<name>%s</name>", cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<status>1</status>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<ip>%s</ip>", (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (p) sprintf(http_buf, "<country>%s</country>", p); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t d = (ticks - cli->connected)/1000; sprintf(http_buf, "<connected>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</connected>", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<version>%s</version>", cli->version ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"<busy>%d</busy>", cli->ecm.busy ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); d = (ticks - cli->lastactivity)/1000; sprintf(http_buf, "<lastactivity>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</lastactivity>", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { sprintf(http_buf, "<lastshare>%04x:%06x:%04x</lastshare>",cli->ecm.lastcaid,cli->ecm.lastprov,cli->ecm.lastsid); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<lastsharestatus>%d</lastsharestatus>",cli->ecm.laststatus); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } else { sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>",cli->flags&0x0E); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf(http_buf, "<ecmnb>%d</ecmnb>", cli->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<ecmaccepted>%d</ecmaccepted>", cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<ecmok>%d</ecmok>", cli->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</client>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_DISABLE) { cli->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; cc_disconnect_cli(cli); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_ENABLE) { cli->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_DEBUG) { flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_CCCAM, cli->srvid, cli->id); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_STATUS) { if (cli->handle>0) http_send_text(sock,"connected"); else http_send_text(sock,"disconnected"); return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "CCcam Client"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // UPD DIV char url[256]; sprintf( url, "/cccamclient?action=div&id=%d", cli->id); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<br><table style=\"padding:0px; margin:0px;\" width=\"100%%\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:400px;\">\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=infotable><tbody>\n<tr><th colspan=2>Client Informations</th></tr>\n" ); // NAME sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>User name</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Connection Time if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Connected</td></tr>\n"); uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Connection time</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // IP sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>IP Address</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // CCcam Version sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>CCcam Version</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>",cli->version ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Disconnected</td></tr>\n"); if (cli->uptime && cli->connected) { uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Last Seen</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } // UPTIME if (cli->uptime || cli->connected) { uint32_t uptime; if (cli->handle>0) uptime = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)+cli->uptime; else uptime = cli->uptime; uptime /= 1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Uptime</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>",uptime/(3600*24),(uptime/3600)%24,(uptime/60)%60,uptime%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); // INFO struct client_info_data *info = cli->info; if (info) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>Additional Informations</th></tr>\n" ); while (info) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>%s:</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",info->name,info->value); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); info = info->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Ecm Stat tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>ECM Statistics</th></tr>\n" ); int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Total ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Accepted ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", ecmaccepted); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Good ECM answer</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Average Time</td><td class=right>%d ms</td></tr>\n",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } // Freeze sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Total Freeze</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->freeze); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\">\n" ); //Last Used Share if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th>Last Used share</th></tr>\n"); // Decode Status if (cli->ecm.laststatus) sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode success</td></tr>\n"); else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode failed</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Channel sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Channel %s (%dms) %s</td></tr>\n", getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Server if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td>From "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, http_buf ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>"); } // Last ECM ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.lastid); // ECM sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ECM(%d): ", ecm->ecmlen); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->ecm, http_buf, ecm->ecmlen ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->cw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #ifdef CHECK_NEXTDCW if ( (ecm->lastdecode.status>0)&&(ecm->lastdecode.counter>0) ) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Last DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->lastdecode.dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>\n"); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total wrong DCW = %d</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.error); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (ecm->lastdecode.counter>2) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total Consecutif DCW = %d</td></tr>\n<tr><td>ECM Interval = %ds</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.counter, ecm->lastdecode.dcwchangetime/1000); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } #endif // if (ecm->server[0].srvid) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td><table class='infotable'><tbody><tr><th width='30px'>ID</th><th width='250px'>Server</th><th width='50px'>Status</th><th width='70px'>Start time</th><th width='70px'>End time</th><th width='90px'>Elapsed time</th><th>DCW</th></tr></tbody>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { if (!ecm->server[i].srvid) break; char* str_srvstatus[] = { "WAIT", "OK", "NOK", "BUSY" }; struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(ecm->server[i].srvid); if (srv) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s:%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%dms</td>", i+1, srv->host->name, srv->port, str_srvstatus[ecm->server[i].flag], ecm->server[i].sendtime - ecm->recvtime ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Recv Time if (ecm->server[i].statustime>ecm->server[i].sendtime) sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%dms</td><td>%dms</td>", ecm->server[i].statustime - ecm->recvtime, ecm->server[i].statustime-ecm->server[i].sendtime ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td><td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (ecm->server[i].flag==ECM_SRV_REPLY_GOOD) { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->server[i].dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table></td></tr>\n" ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Current Busy Ecm if (cli->ecm.busy) { ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.id); if (ecm) http_send_ecmstatus(&tcpbuf, sock, ecm); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr></tbody></table>" ); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } #ifdef FREECCCAM_SRV int freecccam_connectedclients() { int nb=0; struct cc_client_data *cli=cfg.freecccam.server.client; while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) nb++; cli=cli->next; } return nb; } void http_send_freecccam(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char cell[10][2048]; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "FreeCCcam"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_FREECCCAM); if (cfg.freecccam.server.handle>0) { sprintf( http_buf, "FreeCCcam Server [<font color=#00ff00>ENABLED</font>]");tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf, "FreeCCcam Server [<font color=#ff0000>DISABLED</font>]"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Port = %d<br>Connected Clients: %d<br><center><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=200px>Client ip</th><th width=70px>version</th><th width=110px>connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>", cfg.freecccam.server.port, freecccam_connectedclients()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int alt=0; struct cc_client_data *cli = cfg.freecccam.server.client; while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getcccamcells( cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt%d> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",alt,cell[2],cell[1],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table></center>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } #endif #endif #ifdef MGCAMD_SRV void getmgcamdcells(struct mg_client_data *cli, char cell[10][2048]) { char temp[2048]; // CELL0 # NAME if (cli->realname) sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/mgcamdclient?id=%d'>%s<br>%s</a>",cli->id,cli->user,cli->realname); else sprintf( cell[0],"<a href='/mgcamdclient?id=%d'>%s</a>",cli->id,cli->user); // CELL1 # PROGRAM ID if (cli->handle>0) sprintf( cell[1],"<span title='%04x'>%s</span>", cli->progid, programid(cli->progid)); else strcpy( cell[1], " "); // CELL2 # IP if ( cli->ip ) { // Get Last IP char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (cli->host) if (p) sprintf( cell[2],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s<br>%s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(cli->ip), cli->host->name ); else sprintf( cell[2],"%s<br>%s",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip), cli->host->name ); else if (p) sprintf( cell[2],"<img src='/flag_%s.gif' title='%s'> %s", p, getcountryname(p), (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); else sprintf( cell[2],"%s",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); } else strcpy( cell[2], " "); // CELL3 # Connection Time if (cli->handle>0) { if (cli->ecm.busy) sprintf( cell[9],"busy"); else sprintf( cell[9],"online"); uint d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( cell[3], "%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); } else { sprintf( cell[9],"offline"); if (cli->flags&FLAG_REMOVE) sprintf( cell[3],"Removed"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_EXPIRED) sprintf( cell[3],"Expired"); else if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) sprintf( cell[3],"Disabled"); else sprintf( cell[3],"offline"); } if (cli->enddate.tm_year) { sprintf( temp,"<br>Expire: %d-%02d-%02d", 1900+cli->enddate.tm_year, cli->enddate.tm_mon+1, cli->enddate.tm_mday); strcat( cell[3], temp ); } sprintf( temp, "<table class=\"connect_data\"><tr><td>Successful Login: %d</td><td>Aborted Connections: %d</td><td>Total Zapping: %d</td><td>Channel Freeze: %d</td></tr></table>", cli->nblogin, cli->nbloginerror, cli->zap, cli->freeze ); strcat( cell[3], temp ); // CELL4+5+6 # ECM STAT: TOTAL/ACCEPTED/OK // ECM STAT #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE if (cli->cachedcw) sprintf( cell[4], "%d [%d]", cli->ecmnb, cli->cachedcw); else sprintf( cell[4], "%d", cli->ecmnb ); #else sprintf( cell[4], "%d", cli->ecmnb ); #endif int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; getstatcell( ecmaccepted, cli->ecmnb, cell[5]); getstatcell( cli->ecmok, ecmaccepted, cell[6]); // CELL7 # Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) sprintf( cell[7],"%d ms",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); else sprintf( cell[7],"-- ms"); // CELL8 # Last Used Share if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { if (cli->ecm.laststatus) strcpy( cell[8],"<span class=success"); else strcpy( cell[8],"<span class=failed"); sprintf( temp," title='%04x:%06x:%04x'>ch %s (%dms) %s ",cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid, getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); strcat( cell[8], temp ); if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { strcat( cell[8], " / from "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, temp); strcat( cell[8], temp); } } strcat( cell[8], "</span>" ); } else strcpy( cell[8], " "); strcat( cell[8], "<span style='float:right;'>"); if ( !(cli->flags&(FLAG_REMOVE|FLAG_EXPIRED)) ) { if (cli->flags&FLAG_DISABLE) { sprintf( temp," <img title='Enable' src='enable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/mgcamdclient?id=%d&action=enable',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } else { sprintf( temp," <img title='disable' src='disable.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/mgcamdclient?id=%d&action=disable',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); } } sprintf( temp," <img title='Debug' src='debug.png' OnClick=\"imgrequest('/mgcamdclient?id=%d&action=debug',this);\">",cli->id); strcat( cell[8], temp ); strcat( cell[8], "</span>"); } int total_mgcamd_servers() { int count=0; struct mgcamdserver_data *srv = cfg.mgcamd.server; while (srv) { count++; srv = srv->next; } return count; } void mgcamd_clients( struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd, int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } } void total_mgcamd_clients( int *total, int *connected, int *active ) { *total = 0; *connected = 0; *active = 0; struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd = cfg.mgcamd.server; while (mgcamd) { struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; while (cli) { (*total)++; if (cli->handle>0) { (*connected)++; if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000 ) (*active)++; } cli=cli->next; } mgcamd = mgcamd->next; } } void http_send_mgcamd(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char cell[10][2048]; // Get Params char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); char *str_list = isset_get( req, "list"); char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); // server ID char *str_clid = isset_get( req, "clid"); // Client ID char *str_clname = isset_get( req, "clname"); // Client NAME // Param 'action' int get_action; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = ACTION_DIV; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = ACTION_ROW; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"xml")) get_action = ACTION_XML; // Get Clients info in xml else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = ACTION_DISABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = ACTION_ENABLE; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = ACTION_STATUS; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = ACTION_DEBUG; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) { str_action = "page"; get_action = ACTION_PAGE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// if (get_action==ACTION_ROW) { // Check for XML ROW struct mg_client_data *cli = NULL; if (str_clid) { cli = getmgcamdclientbyid( atoi(str_clid) ); if (!cli) return; } else { if (str_id && str_clname) { struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd = getmgcamdserverbyid( atoi(str_id) ); if (!mgcamd) return; cli = getmgcamdclientbyname( mgcamd, str_clname ); if (!cli) return; } else return; } // Send XML CELLS getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); int i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) xmlescape( cell[i] ); char buf[5000] = ""; sprintf( buf, "<mgcamd>\n<c0>%s</c0>\n<c1>%s</c1>\n<c2>%s</c2>\n<c3_c>%s</c3_c>\n<c3>%s</c3>\n<c4>%s</c4>\n<c5>%s</c5>\n<c6>%s</c6>\n<c7>%s</c7>\n<c8>%s</c8>\n</mgcamd>\n",cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8] ); http_send_xml( sock, req, buf, strlen(buf)); return; } else if (get_action==ACTION_XML) { struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd = NULL; if (str_id) mgcamd = getmgcamdserverbyid( atoi(str_id) ); tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\n\r\n"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<multics>"); struct mgcamdserver_data *srv; if (mgcamd) srv = mgcamd; else srv = cfg.mgcamd.server; while (srv) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<mgcamd>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<id>%d</id>", srv->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<port>%d</port>", srv->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>", (srv->handle>0) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t ticks = GetTickCount(); struct mg_client_data *cli = srv->client; while (cli) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<user>"); sprintf(http_buf, "<name>%s</name>", cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<status>1</status>"); sprintf( http_buf,"<ip>%s</ip>", (char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); char *p = getcountrybyip(cli->ip); if (p) sprintf(http_buf, "<country>%s</country>", p); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); uint32_t d = (ticks - cli->connected)/1000; sprintf(http_buf, "<connected>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</connected>", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf(http_buf, "<status>%d</status>",cli->flags&0x0E); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</user>"); cli = cli->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</mgcamd>"); if (mgcamd) break; else srv = srv->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</multics>"); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); return; } // Param 'id' int get_id = 0; if (str_id) get_id = atoi(str_id); // Param 'list' int get_list = LIST_ACTIVE; if (str_list) { if (!strcmp(str_list,"connected")) get_list = LIST_CONNECTED; else if (!strcmp(str_list,"all")) get_list = LIST_ALL; else str_list = NULL; } if (!str_list) str_list = "active"; // struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd = NULL; if (get_id) { mgcamd = getmgcamdserverbyid(get_id); if (!mgcamd) return; } tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "MGcamd"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // ACTIONS REQUEST tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction imgrequest( url, el )\n{\n var httpRequest;\n try { httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); }\n catch (trymicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (oldermicrosoft) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(failed) { httpRequest = false; } } }\n if (!httpRequest) { alert('Your browser does not support Ajax.'); return false; }\n if ( typeof(el)!='undefined' ) {\n el.onclick = null;\n el.style.opacity = '0.7';\n httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()\n {\n if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) if (httpRequest.status == 200) el.style.opacity = '0.3';\n }\n }\n httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);\n httpRequest.send(null);\n}\n"); // UPD ROW tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction xmlupdateRow( xmlDoc, id )\n{\n var row = document.getElementById(id);\n row.cells.item(0).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c0')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(1).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c1')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(2).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c2')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).className = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3_c')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(3).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c3')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(4).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c4')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(5).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c5')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(6).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c6')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(7).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c7')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n row.cells.item(8).innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('c8')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;\n}\n"); char url[256]; sprintf( url, "'/mgcamd?action=row&clid='+idx"); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_ROW, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // UPD DIV sprintf( url, "/mgcamd?action=div&id=%d&list=%s", get_id, str_list); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_MGCAMD); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px; border-width:0px; border-spacing: 1px;\"><tr>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<td style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px;\"><a href='/mgcamd'><table border=1 width=170px>"); // Total Servers sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Total Servers: %d</td></tr>", total_mgcamd_servers() ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int total, connected, active; total_mgcamd_clients( &total, &connected, &active ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Connected Clients: %d / %d</td></tr>", connected, total ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table></a></td>"); // Servers if (cfg.mgcamd.server) { int counter = 0; struct mgcamdserver_data *mgcamd = cfg.mgcamd.server; while ( mgcamd && (counter<5) ) { sprintf( http_buf, "<td style=\"margin:0px; padding: 0px;\"><a href='/mgcamd?id=%d'><table border=1 width=120px>", mgcamd->id); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (mgcamd->handle>0) sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>mgcamd %d [<span class=success>%d</span>]</td></tr>", mgcamd->id, mgcamd->port); else sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>mgcamd %d [<span class=failed>%d</span>]</td></tr>", mgcamd->id, mgcamd->port); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int total, connected, active; mgcamd_clients( mgcamd, &total, &connected, &active ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td>Connected: %d / %d</td></tr>", connected, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</table></a></td>"); counter++; mgcamd = mgcamd->next; } } // End of table tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tr></table><br>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<select style=\"width:200px;\" onchange=\"parent.location.href='/mgcamd?id='+this.value\">"); sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=0>ALL (%d)</option>", total_mgcamd_servers()); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct mgcamdserver_data *tmp = cfg.mgcamd.server; while (tmp) { if (get_id==tmp->id) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d selected>[%d] mgcamd %d</option>",tmp->id,tmp->port, tmp->id ); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=%d>[%d] mgcamd %d</option>",tmp->id,tmp->port, tmp->id ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tmp = tmp->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select> "); // if (mgcamd) mgcamd_clients( mgcamd, &total, &connected, &active ); else total_mgcamd_clients( &total, &connected, &active ); char *class1 = "button"; char *class2 = "sbutton"; char *class; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, "<input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/mgcamd?id=%d&list=active'\" value='Active Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/mgcamd?id=%d&list=connected'\" value='Connected Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (get_list==LIST_ALL) class = class2; else class = class1; sprintf( http_buf, " <input type=button class=%s onclick=\"parent.location='/mgcamd?id=%d&list=all'\" value='All Clients (%d)'>", class, get_id, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // if (get_id) { // One Server Selected // Table sprintf( http_buf, "\n<table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>version</th><th width=120px>ip</th><th width=110px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; int alt=0; if (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) { while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) { while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else { // ALL while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } sprintf( http_buf, "\n</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { // Table tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf,sock, "\n<table class=maintable width=100%>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf,sock, "\n<tr><th width=100px>Client</th><th width=70px>version</th><th width=120px>ip</th><th width=110px>Connected</th><th width=60px>TotalEcm</th><th width=90px>AcceptedEcm</th><th width=90px>EcmOK</th><th width=50px>EcmTime</th><th>Last used share</th></tr>"); int alt=0; mgcamd = cfg.mgcamd.server; while (mgcamd) { int total, connected, active; mgcamd_clients( mgcamd, &total, &connected, &active ); if ( (get_list==LIST_ACTIVE) && active ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> mgcamd %d (%d)</td></tr>", mgcamd->id, active); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; while (cli) { if ( (cli->handle>0)&&((GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime) < 20000) ) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_ALL) && total ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> mgcamd %d (%d)</td></tr>", mgcamd->id, total); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; while (cli) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); cli = cli->next; } } else if ( (get_list==LIST_CONNECTED) && connected ) { sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr><td class=alt3 colspan=9> mgcamd %d (%d)</td></tr>", mgcamd->id, connected); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct mg_client_data *cli = mgcamd->client; while (cli) { if (cli->handle>0) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; getmgcamdcells(cli,cell); sprintf( http_buf,"\n<tr id=\"Row%d\" class=alt%d onMouseOver='setupdateRow(%d)' onMouseOut='setupdateRow(0)'> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->id,alt,cli->id,cell[0],cell[1],cell[2],cell[9],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[8]); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } cli = cli->next; } } mgcamd = mgcamd->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } if (get_action==ACTION_PAGE) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void http_send_mgcamd_client(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; // Get Client ID char *str_id = isset_get( req, "id"); if (!str_id) return; //error int get_id = atoi(str_id); struct mg_client_data *cli = getmgcamdclientbyid(get_id); if (!cli) return; // Action char *str_action = isset_get( req, "action"); int get_action = 0; if (str_action) { if (!strcmp(str_action,"div")) get_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"row")) get_action = 2; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"disable")) get_action = 3; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"enable")) get_action = 4; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"status")) get_action = 5; else if (!strcmp(str_action,"info")) get_action = 6; // XML info else if (!strcmp(str_action,"debug")) get_action = 7; else str_action = NULL; } if (!str_action) str_action = "page"; // if (get_action==3) { cli->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE; mg_disconnect_cli(cli); http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==4) { cli->flags &= ~FLAG_DISABLE; http_send_ok(sock); return; } else if (get_action==5) { if (cli->handle>0) http_send_text(sock,"connected"); else http_send_text(sock,"disconnected"); return; } else if (get_action==7) { flagdebug = getdbgflag( DBG_MGCAMD, 0, cli->id); http_send_ok(sock); return; } // tcp_init(&tcpbuf); if (get_action==0) { tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Mgcamd Client"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); // JS tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n<script type='text/javascript'>"); // UPD DIV char url[256]; sprintf( url, "/mgcamdclient?id=%d&action=div", get_id); sprintf( http_buf, HTTP_UPDATE_DIV, cfg.http.autorefresh*1000, url); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\nfunction start()\n{\n setautorefresh(autorefresh);\n}"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "\n</script>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<body onload=\"start();\">"); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); // DIV tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<div id='mainDiv'>"); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table style=\"padding:0px; margin:0px;\" width=\"100%%\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:400px;\">\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=infotable><tbody>\n<tr><th colspan=2>Client Informations</th></tr>\n" ); // NAME sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>User name</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",cli->user); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Connection Time if (cli->handle>0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Connected</td></tr>\n"); uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Connection time</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24), (d/3600)%24, (d/60)%60, d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // IP sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>IP Address</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",(char*)ip2string(cli->ip) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Program ID sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Client Program</td><td class=right>%s(%04x)</td></tr>",programid(cli->progid), cli->progid ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td class=left>Status</td><td class=right>Disconnected</td></tr>\n"); if (cli->uptime && cli->connected) { uint32_t d = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)/1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Last Seen</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>\n", d/(3600*24),(d/3600)%24,(d/60)%60,d%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } // UPTIME if (cli->uptime || cli->connected) { uint32_t uptime; if (cli->handle>0) uptime = (GetTickCount()-cli->connected)+cli->uptime; else uptime = cli->uptime; uptime /= 1000; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Uptime</td><td class=right>%02dd %02d:%02d:%02d</td></tr>",uptime/(3600*24),(uptime/3600)%24,(uptime/60)%60,uptime%60); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); // INFO struct client_info_data *info = cli->info; if (info) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>Additional Informations</th></tr>\n" ); while (info) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>%s:</td><td class=right>%s</td></tr>\n",info->name,info->value); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); info = info->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Ecm Stat tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th colspan=2>ECM Statistics</th></tr>\n" ); int ecmaccepted = cli->ecmnb-cli->ecmdenied; sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Total ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmnb); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Accepted ECM requests</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", ecmaccepted); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Good ECM answer</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->ecmok); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); //Ecm Time if (cli->ecmok) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Average Time</td><td class=right>%d ms</td></tr>\n",(cli->ecmoktime/cli->ecmok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #ifdef SRV_CSCACHE sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td class=left>Cached DCW</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->cachedcw); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); #endif // Freeze sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td class=left>Total Freeze</td><td class=right>%d</td></tr>\n", cli->freeze); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\">\n" ); //Last Used Share if ( cli->ecm.lastcaid ) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<table class=\"infotable\"><tbody>\n" ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><th>Last Used share</th></tr>\n"); // Decode Status if (cli->ecm.laststatus) sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode success</td></tr>\n"); else sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Decode failed</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Channel sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Channel %s (%dms) %s</td></tr>\n", getchname(cli->ecm.lastcaid, cli->ecm.lastprov, cli->ecm.lastsid) , cli->ecm.lastdecodetime, str_laststatus[cli->ecm.laststatus] ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Server if ( (GetTickCount()-cli->ecm.recvtime) < 20000 ) { // From ??? if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<tr><td>From "); src2string(cli->ecm.lastdcwsrctype, cli->ecm.lastdcwsrcid, http_buf ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>"); } // Last ECM ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.lastid); // ECM sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>ECM(%d): ", ecm->ecmlen); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->ecm, http_buf, ecm->ecmlen ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (cli->ecm.laststatus) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->cw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td></tr>\n"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } #ifdef CHECK_NEXTDCW if ( (ecm->lastdecode.status>0)&&(ecm->lastdecode.counter>0) ) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Last DCW: "); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->lastdecode.dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr>\n"); sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total wrong DCW = %d</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.error); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); if (ecm->lastdecode.counter>2) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>Total Consecutif DCW = %d</td></tr>\n<tr><td>ECM Interval = %ds</td></tr>\n", ecm->lastdecode.counter, ecm->lastdecode.dcwchangetime/1000); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } #endif // if (ecm->server[0].srvid) { sprintf( http_buf, "<tr><td><table class='infotable'><tbody><tr><th width='30px'>ID</th><th width='250px'>Server</th><th width='50px'>Status</th><th width='70px'>Start time</th><th width='70px'>End time</th><th width='90px'>Elapsed time</th><th>DCW</th></tr></tbody>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); int i; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { if (!ecm->server[i].srvid) break; char* str_srvstatus[] = { "WAIT", "OK", "NOK", "BUSY" }; struct cs_server_data *srv = getsrvbyid(ecm->server[i].srvid); if (srv) { sprintf( http_buf,"<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s:%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%dms</td>", i+1, srv->host->name, srv->port, str_srvstatus[ecm->server[i].flag], ecm->server[i].sendtime - ecm->recvtime ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // Recv Time if (ecm->server[i].statustime>ecm->server[i].sendtime) sprintf( http_buf,"<td>%dms</td><td>%dms</td>", ecm->server[i].statustime - ecm->recvtime, ecm->server[i].statustime-ecm->server[i].sendtime ); else sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td><td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); // DCW if (ecm->server[i].flag==ECM_SRV_REPLY_GOOD) { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); array2hex( ecm->server[i].dcw, http_buf, 16 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); sprintf( http_buf,"</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf,"<td>--</td>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } sprintf( http_buf,"</tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table></td></tr>\n" ); } } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</tbody></table><br>\n" ); } // Current Busy Ecm if (cli->ecm.busy) { ECM_DATA *ecm = getecmbyid(cli->ecm.id); if (ecm) http_send_ecmstatus(&tcpbuf, sock, ecm); } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</td></tr></tbody></table>" ); if (get_action==0) { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</div>"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</body></html>"); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } #endif #ifdef CHECK_HACKER void http_send_ip(int sock, http_request *req) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "IP"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,0); sprintf( http_buf, "<center><table class=maintable width=100%%><tr><th width=200px>IP</th><th width=70px>Count</th><th width=100px>Last Seen</th></tr>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); struct ip_hacker_data *iplist = prg.iplist; int alt=0; while (iplist) { if (alt==1) alt=2; else alt=1; sprintf( http_buf,"<tr class=alt%d><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%dsec</td></tr>",alt, (char*)ip2string(iplist->ip), iplist->count, (GetTickCount()-iplist->lastseen)/1000 ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); iplist = iplist->next; } sprintf( http_buf, "</table></center>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } #endif #include "bmsearch.c" void http_send_editor(int sock, http_request *req, int index) { char http_buf[2048]; struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_replyok, strlen(http_replyok) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_html, strlen(http_html) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head, strlen(http_head) ); sprintf( http_buf, http_title, "Editor"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_link, strlen(http_link) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_style, strlen(http_style) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_head_, strlen(http_head_) ); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_body, strlen(http_body) ); tcp_write_menu(&tcpbuf, sock,PAGE_EDITOR); int i; struct filename_data *fs = cfg.files; for( i =0; i<index; i++) { if (!fs) break; fs = fs->next; } if ( (i!=index)||(!fs) ) return; char *fname = fs->name; if (req->type==HTTP_POST) { // Check Content-Type char *content = isset_header(req, "Content-Type"); if (!content) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Invalid form\n"); return; } // Parse Content-type if ( memcmp(content,"multipart/form-data",19) ) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Invalid Content-type\n"); return; } // Get ';' while (*content!=';') { if (*content==0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Invalid header data\n"); return; } content++; } content++; // Skip Spaces while (*content==' ') content++; // Get Boundry if ( memcmp(content,"boundary",8) ) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Invalid Content-type\n"); return; } // Get '=' while (*content!='=') { if (*content==0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," Invalid header data\n"); return; } content++; } content++; // Skip Spaces while (*content==' ') content++; // Get Boundary Value char boundary[255]; sprintf( boundary, "\r\n--%s", content); //printf(" boundary: '%s'\n", boundary); // search for boundary in file content = req->dbf.data; while (content) { content = (char*) boyermoore_horspool_memmem( (uchar*)content, req->dbf.datasize-(content-(char*)req->dbf.data), (uchar*)boundary, strlen(boundary) ); if (content) { content += strlen(boundary); if ( *content=='\r' && *(content+1)=='\n' ) { content+=2; // Get Content-Disposition // Content-Disposition: form-data; name="textedit" char *p = content; while (*p!='\r') p++; if ( *p=='\r' && *(p+1)=='\n' && *(p+2)=='\r' && *(p+3)=='\n' ) { // Good *p=0; //printf(" Content: '%s'\n", content); char *pdata = p+4; // search for newt boundary content = (char*)boyermoore_horspool_memmem( (uchar*)content, req->dbf.datasize-(content-(char*)req->dbf.data), (uchar*)boundary, strlen(boundary) ); *content = 0; //printf(" the file is:\n-------------\n%s\n-------------\n", pdata); // save FILE *cfgfd = fopen( fname, "w"); if (!cfgfd) { sprintf( http_buf, "<h2>Error opening file '%s'</h2>", fname); } else { fwrite( pdata, 1, content-pdata, cfgfd); fclose(cfgfd); sprintf( http_buf, "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\"><!--\nsetTimeout(\"location.href = '/editor%d';\",5000);\n--></script>\n<h3><center>file '%s' is Successfully Saved</center></h3>", index, fname); } tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } } } } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } else { tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\">"); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<span style='float:right'><select onchange=\"window.location=this.value\" style='width:250px;'>"); struct filename_data *fs = cfg.files; int i =0; while (fs) { if (i==index) sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=\"/editor%d\" selected>%s</option>",i, fs->name); else sprintf( http_buf, "<option value=\"/editor%d\">%s</option>",i, fs->name); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); i++; fs = fs->next; } tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "</select></span>"); sprintf( http_buf, "<input type=submit value=\"Save '%s'\"><br>",fname); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); tcp_writestr(&tcpbuf, sock, "<center><textarea cols=\"40\" wrap=\"off\" rows=\"9\" spellcheck=\"false\" name=\"textedit\">"); FILE *fd = fopen(fname, "r"); if (fd) { while( !feof(fd) ) { int len = fread(http_buf, 1, sizeof(http_buf), fd); if (len<=0) break; tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, len ); } fclose(fd); sprintf( http_buf, "</textarea></center></form>"); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } else { sprintf( http_buf, "<br>Cant open file '%s'", fname); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, http_buf, strlen(http_buf) ); } tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); } } int atoint(char *index) { int n=0; while (*index) { if ( (*index<'0')||(*index>'9') ) return n; else n = n*10 + (*index - '0'); index++; } return n; } #include "base64.c" void *gererClient(int *param ) { int sock = *param; http_request req; struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = sock; pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; int retval = poll(&pfd, 1, 2000); //printf("\n*Connexion de %s(%d)\n", tt, sock); // print pid dynbuf_init(&req.dbf, 1024); if ( retval>0 ) if ( pfd.revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI) ) if ( parse_http_request(sock, &req) ) { int auth=0; if ( (req.type==HTTP_GET)||(req.type==HTTP_POST) ) { // check for auth if (!cfg.http.user[0] || !cfg.http.user[0]) auth = 1; else { int i; for(i=0; i<req.hdrcount; i++) { if( !strcmp(req.headers[i].name,"Authorization") ) { //printf("Authorization: %s\n", req.headers[i].value); //get auth type if (!memcmp(req.headers[i].value, "Basic ",6)) { // get encrypted login char pass[256]; char realpass[256]; base64_pdecode( &req.headers[i].value[6], pass); //printf("PASS: %s\n",pass); sprintf(realpass,"%s:%s", cfg.http.user, cfg.http.pass); if (!strcmp(pass,realpass)) auth=1; } break; } } } if ( auth ) { if (strcmp(req.path,"/")==0) http_send_index(sock,&req); else if (strcmp(req.path,"/profiles")==0) { http_send_profiles(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/profile")==0) { http_send_profile(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/newcamd")==0) { http_send_newcamd(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/newcamdclient")==0) { http_send_newcamd_client(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/servers")==0) { http_send_servers(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/server")==0) { http_send_server(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/cache")==0) { http_send_cache(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/cachepeer")==0) { http_send_cache_peer(sock,&req); } #ifdef CCCAM_SRV else if (strcmp(req.path,"/cccam")==0) { http_send_cccam(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/cccamclient")==0) { http_send_cccam_client(sock,&req); } #endif #ifdef FREECCCAM_SRV else if (strcmp(req.path,"/freecccam")==0) { http_send_freecccam(sock,&req); } #endif #ifdef MGCAMD_SRV else if (strcmp(req.path,"/mgcamd")==0) { http_send_mgcamd(sock,&req); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/mgcamdclient")==0) { http_send_mgcamd_client(sock,&req); } #endif else if (strcmp(req.path,"/restart")==0) { if (!cfg.http.norestart) http_send_restart(sock,&req); } else if ( !memcmp(req.path,"/editor",7) ) { int index, i; if (req.path[7]==0) index = 0; else if ( (req.path[7]>='0')&&(req.path[7]<='9')&&(req.path[8]==0) ) index = req.path[7] - '0'; http_send_editor(sock,&req, index); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/style.css")==0) { if (strlen(cfg.stylesheet_file)) { http_send_file(sock, &req, "text/css", cfg.stylesheet_file); } else http_send_answer(sock, &req, "text/css", style_css, strlen(style_css)); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/connect.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, connect_png, sizeof(connect_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/disconnect.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, disconnect_png, sizeof(disconnect_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/enable.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, enable_png, sizeof(enable_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/disable.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, disable_png, sizeof(disable_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/debug.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, debug_png, sizeof(debug_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/refresh.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, refresh_png, sizeof(refresh_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/favicon.png")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, favicon_png, sizeof(favicon_png), "png"); } else if (strcmp(req.path,"/sms.gif")==0) { http_send_image(sock, &req, sms_gif, sizeof(sms_gif), "gif"); } #ifdef CHECK_HACKER else if (strcmp(req.path,"/ip")==0) { http_send_ip(sock,&req); } #endif else if ( !memcmp(req.path,"/flag_",6) && !memcmp(req.path+8,".gif",4) ) { // check for code char code[3]; code[0] = req.path[6]; code[1] = req.path[7]; code[2] = 0; int i; for(i=0; i<MAX_COUNTRY_IMAGES; i++) { if ( !strcmp(country_images[i].code, code) ) { http_send_image(sock, &req, country_images[i].data, country_images[i].len, "gif"); break; } } } } else { // send( client_sock, (char*)data, strlen(data),0); //printf("%s\n", http_buf); struct tcp_buffer_data tcpbuf; char auth[] = "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Multi CardServer\"\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Multi Cardserver</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H2>Access forbidden, authorization required</H2></BODY></HTML>"; tcp_init(&tcpbuf); tcp_write(&tcpbuf, sock, auth, strlen(auth) ); tcp_flush(&tcpbuf, sock); //return; } } } dynbuf_free(&req.dbf); //printf("*Deconnexion de %s(%d)\n", tt, sock); if ( close(sock) ) debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," HTTP Server: socket close failed(%d)\n",sock); return NULL; } void *http_thread(void *param) { int client_sock; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(client_addr); //prctl(PR_SET_NAME,"MCS-HTTP",0,0,0); while(1) { if (cfg.http.handle>0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockhttp); struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = cfg.http.handle; pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; int retval = poll(&pfd, 1, 3000); if ( retval>0 ) { if ( pfd.revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI) ) { client_sock = accept(cfg.http.handle, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, /*(socklen_t*)*/&socklen); if ( client_sock<0 ) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," HTTP Server: Accept Error\n"); break; } else { pthread_t cli_tid; create_prio_thread(&cli_tid, (threadfn)gererClient, &client_sock, 50); } } } else if (retval<0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0)," THREAD HTTP: poll error %d(errno=%d)\n", retval, errno); usleep(50000); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockhttp); } else usleep(100000); }// While debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_HTTP,0,0),"Exiting HTTP Thread\n"); return NULL; } pthread_t http_tid; int start_thread_http() { create_prio_thread(&http_tid, http_thread,NULL, 50); return 0; }