./ MultiCS.r69 / cli-radegast.c
void rdg_getsrvmsg(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void rdgd_disconnect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv) { if (srv->handle>0) { static char msg[]= "Disconnected"; srv->statmsg = msg; // Disconnect server debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: server (%s:%d) disconnected\n", srv->host->name, srv->port); close(srv->handle); srv->handle = INVALID_SOCKET; if (srv->busy) ecm_setsrvflag(srv->busyecmid, srv->id, ECM_SRV_EXCLUDE); uint ticks = GetTickCount(); srv->uptime += ticks-srv->connected; srv->connected = ticks; // Last Seen srv->keepalivetime = 0; srv->keepalivesent = 0; srv->host->checkiptime = 0; // maybe ip changed } } int rdgd_connect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv, int fd) { static char msg[]= "Connected"; uchar buf[10]; if ( recv_nonb(fd, buf, 10,0)==0 ) { static char msg[]= "Server not connected"; srv->statmsg = msg; return -1; } debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: connect to server (%s:%d)\n", srv->host->name, srv->port); srv->statmsg = msg; srv->connected = GetTickCount(); srv->keepalivetime = GetTickCount(); srv->keepalivesent = 0; srv->busy = 0; srv->lastecmoktime = 0; srv->lastecmtime = 0; srv->lastdcwtime = 0; srv->chkrecvtime = 0; srv->handle = fd; pipe_wakeup( srvsocks[1] ); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //01 3E 020101 06083030303030303330 070430303036 080102 0A020100 0322 80 001F D4 AB B2 CD C6 9B B4 54 11 0E 82 74 41 21 3D DC 87 70 E9 3E A1 41 E1 FC 67 3E 01 7E 97 EA DC int rdgd_sendecm_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv, ECM_DATA *ecm) { unsigned char buf[CWS_NETMSGSIZE]; buf[0] = 0x01; //buf[1] = len; int index = 2; //Caid Byte Entry buf[index]=2; buf[index+1]=1; buf[index+2] = ecm->caid>>8; index+=3; //ProvID Entry buf[index]=6; buf[index+1]=8; hex32(ecm->provid, (char*)&buf[index+2]); index+=10; //KeyNo Entry buf[index]=7; buf[index+1]=4; buf[index+2]=0x30; buf[index+3]=0x30; buf[index+4]=0x30; buf[index+5]=0x36; index+=6; //Ecm process pid entry buf[index]=8; buf[index+1]=1; buf[index+2] = 2; index+=3; //Caid entry buf[index]=0x0A; buf[index+1]=2; buf[index+2] = ecm->caid>>8; buf[index+3] = ecm->caid & 0xff; index+=4; //Ecm entry buf[index]=3; buf[index+1]=ecm->ecmlen; memcpy(&buf[index+2],ecm->ecm, ecm->ecmlen); index += 2+ecm->ecmlen; buf[1] = index-2; return rdgd_message_send(srv->handle, buf, index); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void rdgd_srv_recvmsg(struct cs_server_data *srv) { int len; ECM_DATA *ecm; unsigned char buf[CWS_NETMSGSIZE]; if (srv->handle>0) if (srv->type==TYPE_RADEGAST) { len = rdgd_check_message(srv->handle); if (len==0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: server (%s:%d) read failed %d\n", srv->host->name, srv->port, len); rdgd_disconnect_srv(srv); } else if (len==-1) { if (!srv->chkrecvtime) srv->chkrecvtime = GetTickCount(); else if ( (srv->chkrecvtime+300)<GetTickCount() ) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: server (%s:%d) read failed %d\n", srv->host->name, srv->port, len); rdgd_disconnect_srv(srv); } } else if (len>0) { srv->chkrecvtime = 0; len = rdgd_message_receive(srv->handle, buf, 3); if (len==0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: server (%s:%d) read failed %d\n", srv->host->name, srv->port, len); rdgd_disconnect_srv(srv); } else if (len<0) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," radegast: server (%s:%d) read failed %d(%d)\n", srv->host->name, srv->port, len, errno); rdgd_disconnect_srv(srv); } else if (len>0) { switch ( buf[0] ) { case 0x02: // DCW srv->lastdcwtime = GetTickCount(); if (!srv->busy) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," [!] dcw error from server (%s:%d), unknown ecm request\n",srv->host->name,srv->port); break; } srv->busy = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockecm); //### ecm = getecmbyid(srv->busyecmid); if (!ecm) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," [!] dcw error from server (%s:%d), ecm not found!!!\n",srv->host->name,srv->port); pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockecm); //### break; } // check for ECM??? if (ecm->hash!=srv->busyecmhash) { debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," [!] dcw error from server (%s:%d), ecm deleted!!!\n",srv->host->name,srv->port); pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockecm); //### break; } if ( (buf[1]==0x12)&&(buf[2]==0x05)&&(buf[3]==0x10) ) { // Check for DCW if (!acceptDCW(&buf[4])) { srv->ecmerrdcw ++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockecm); //### break; } srv->ecmok++; srv->ecmoktime += GetTickCount()-srv->lastecmtime; srv->lastecmoktime = GetTickCount()-srv->lastecmtime; ecm_setsrvflagdcw(srv->busyecmid, srv->id, ECM_SRV_REPLY_GOOD, &buf[4]); debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," <= cw from server (%s:%d) ch %04x:%06x:%04x (%dms)\n", srv->host->name,srv->port, ecm->caid,ecm->provid,ecm->sid, GetTickCount()-srv->lastecmtime); if (ecm->dcwstatus!=STAT_DCW_SUCCESS) { static char msg[] = "Good dcw from Radegast server"; ecm->statusmsg = msg; // Store ECM Answer ecm_setdcw( getcsbyid(ecm->csid), ecm, &buf[4], DCW_SOURCE_SERVER, srv->id ); } else { //TODO: check same dcw between cards srv->ecmerrdcw ++; if ( memcmp(&ecm->cw, &buf[3],16) ) debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," !!! different dcw from server (%s:%d)\n",srv->host->name,srv->port); } #ifdef SID_FILTER // ADD IN SID LIST struct cardserver_data *cs=getcsbyid(ecm->csid); if (cs) { cardsids_update( srv->busycard, ecm->provid, ecm->sid, 1); srv_cstatadd( srv, cs->id, 1 , srv->lastecmoktime); } #endif } else { struct cardserver_data *cs=getcsbyid(ecm->csid); if ( cs && (ecm->dcwstatus!=STAT_DCW_SUCCESS) && (srv->retry<cs->option.retry.radegast) ) { if ( (GetTickCount()-ecm->recvtime)<cs->option.server.timeout ) if (rdgd_sendecm_srv(srv, ecm)>0) { srv->retry++; ecm->lastsendtime = GetTickCount(); debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," (RE) -> ecm to server (%s:%d) ch %04x:%06x:%04x\n",srv->host->name,srv->port,ecm->caid,ecm->provid,ecm->sid); srv->lastecmtime = GetTickCount(); srv->ecmnb++; srv->busy=1; //srv->busyecm = ecm; pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockecm); //### break; } } ecm_setsrvflag(srv->busyecmid, srv->id, ECM_SRV_REPLY_FAIL); debugf(getdbgflag(DBG_SERVER,0,srv->id)," <| decode failed from server (%s:%d) ch %04x:%06x:%04x (%dms)\n", srv->host->name,srv->port, ecm->caid,ecm->provid,ecm->sid, GetTickCount()-srv->lastecmtime); #ifdef SID_FILTER // ADD IN SID LIST if (cs) { cardsids_update( srv->busycard, ecm->provid, ecm->sid, -1); srv_cstatadd( srv, cs->id, 0 , 0); } #endif ecm_check_time = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockecm); //### break; default: buf[0] = 0x81; buf[1] = 0; rdgd_message_send(srv->handle,buf,2); } } } } }